STM32WB0 : debug & Low Power

Revision as of 18:46, 17 July 2024 by Registered User

1. Purpose

STM32WB0x application like BLE_Beacon configures the STM32WB0 series device in order to enter Deepstop mode when allowed.

When the STM32WB0 series device is in Deepstop mode, the SWD port is disabled. As a consequence, SWD access is disabled and the chip cannot be accessed. In this context, the user can activate the device UART bootloader by setting the PA10 pin to a high value and perform a reset cycle of the device (keeping PA10 at a high value).

For example, when using a NUCLEO-WB09KE board, the user can simply fit jumper JP1 in bootloader position and perform a hardware reset through button B4. This allows the activation of the UART bootloader and programs a new application through the SWD. After programming, the user must remove the JP1 jumper.

NUCLEO-WB09KE Debug Tips with active low power mode
Connectivity:Connectivity Nucleo WB09KE JP1.png

An alternative approach is to perform a mass erase of the device using the STM32CubeProgrammer tool in UART mode, and then program a new application through the SWD.