How to start with STM32CubeMX STiRoT Boot path on STM32H57S

Revision as of 11:27, 7 March 2024 by Registered User

Target description

The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure a boot path.
The example below demonstrates how to configure and provision a boot path for an STiRoT (ST immutable Root of Trust) and generate an application code using CubeMx.
The initially generated code is modified to blink the green led embedded on the board.

Read Secure Boot STM32H5 How to Introduction before starting the practical example described below.

For more technical details which may be useful to know before getting started, check out the following articles:

The example described in this article uses boot path number 2, as shown in the figure below.
Note: This boot path includes STiRoT (one boot stage, no OEMiRoT), a secure user application, and a nonsecure user application.

Figure 1: STM32H5 boot path STM32CubeMX examples


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