OEMiRoT for STM32U0

Revision as of 10:55, 14 December 2023 by Registered User

This article gives an overview of the OEMiRoT solution integrated in STM32U0.

How to use it, step by step, is described in wiki pages How to start with OEMiRoT on STM32U0.

List of applicable products:

Type Products

List of applicable products:

Type Products
Microcontroller STM32U083xx, STM32U073xx

1. OEMiRoT presentation

1.1. Overview

OEMiRoT stands for OEM immutable (unchangeable) Root of Trust and acts as a first boot stage. OEMiRoT is an example based on the MCUboot open-source software (refer to mcuboot) provided with STM32CubeU0. OEMiRoT offers two services:

  • The Secure Boot (root of trust service) is an immutable code, which is always executed after a system reset. It checks static protections (Options Bytes), activates runtime protections and then verifies the authenticity and integrity of the user application code before every execution.
  • The Secure Firmware Update application is an immutable code that detects new firmware image candidate. It checks its version (version downgrade prevention), authenticity and integrity before installing it after decryption.

1.2. Protection measures and security strategy

Cryptography ensures integrity, authentication, and confidentiality. However, the use of cryptography alone is not enough: a set of measures and system-level strategies are needed for protecting critical operations and sensitive data (such as a secret key), and the execution flow, in order to resist against possible attacks. On STM32U0, the security strategy is based on:

  • RDP: Read protection level 2 achieves the highest protection level. Read protection level 2 with OEM2 password capability is used to ensure that a JTAG debugger cannot access the device, except to inject the OEM2 password. In RDP level 2, when the OEM2 password is injected on the JTAG port, the RDP level is regressed to level 1. The OEM2 password must first have been provisioned when the RDP level is 0. Refer to RDP for U0 wiki article for more details.
  • Boot lock: BOOT_LOCK option byte is set to establish a chain of trust, by forcing the system to boot from the user flash memory in 0x08000000.
  • Antitamper protection: the antitamper protection is used to protect sensitive data from physical attacks. The antitamper protection is activated at the start of OEMiRoT_Boot project and remains active during OEMiRoT_Appli execution. In case of tamper detection, sensitive data in backup SRAM are immediately erased, and a reboot is forced. Both external active tamper pins and internal tamper events are used.
  • MPU: The MPU is a memory protection mechanism that allows specific access rights to be defined for any memory-mapped resources of the device: flash memory, SRAM, and peripheral registers. The MPU is configured to limit the execution surface to the code section of OEMiRoT_Boot project during its execution then extended to the application code section after verifying its integrity and its authenticity. This protection is dynamically managed at runtime.
  • HDP: when the HDP secure hide protection is activated, any accesses to the protected flash memory area (fetch, read, programming, erase) are rejected. All the code and secrets located inside the protected flash memory area are fully hidden. In the OEMiRoT_Boot project example, the system is configured to hide the OEMiRoT_Boot code, the OEMiRoT_Boot personalized data (secrets) and the OEMiRoT_Boot nonvolatile counters area located in flash memory (Refer to the Memory layout for more details on HDP area) just before launching the verified user application.
  • WRP: write protection is used to protect OEMiRoT_Boot code from external attacks or even internal modifications such as unwanted writings/erase operations on critical code/data. In the OEMiRoT_Boot project, the system has been configured to make the OEMiRoT_Boot code, the OEMiRoT_Boot personalized data (secrets), and the OEMiRoT_Loader code as immutable data.

See also STM32U0 Reference manual for more description on each feature.

Secure software coding techniques such as doubling critical tests, doubling critical actions, random delay, checking parameter values, and flow control mechanism, are implemented to resist to double synchronized fault-injection attacks.

1.3. OEMiRoT activation

On STM32U0, OEMiRoT activation is done by:

  • Setting the BOOT_LOCK option byte to 1.
  • Programing the OEMiRoT_Boot and OEMiRoT_Loader binaries in user flash.

All these operations are part of the provisioning process.

1.3.1. Overwrite only mode

The following figure illustrates the secure boot and the secure update process by showing all the steps required to boot the user application code image:

  1. At reset, boot is forced on OEMiRoT when BOOT_LOCK set to 1.
  2. OEMiRoT checks if a new user application code and /or data images are stored in the download slots. If any, OEMiRoT decrypts them then controls their integrity, their authenticity, their antirollback counter and their dependency version.
  3. If successful, the images are decrypted and copied in the user application installation slots.
  4. OEMiRoT controls the integrity and the authenticity of the user application code and data images from the installation slot.
  5. If successful, OEMiRoT saves the new images counters in NV counters region for the antirollback verification then executes the user application. The jump to the user application code is done using a service from bootloader located in the system flash memory. This service activates the HDP (HDP1_ACCDIS different from 0xA3 and HDP1EN different from 0xB4, see also STM32U0 Reference manual) out of the HDP area.
  6. In case of control failure (bad integrity or bad authenticity) the local loader programed in user flash memory is started to provide the capability to download a new image.

Security U0 OEMiRoT overwrite.png

Note: To avoid any risk of attack, when OEMiRoT jumps into the user application, the MPU is configured to ensure that only the user application code area is allowed to be executed (execution surface controlled via MPU configuration). It is the user application responsibility to reconfigure the MPU to fit with its security needs.

1.3.2. Swap mode

The following figure illustrates the secure boot and the secure update process by showing all the steps required to boot the user application code image:

  1. At reset, boot is forced on OEMiRoT when BOOT_LOCK set to 1.
  2. OEMiRoT checks if a new user application code and /or data images are stored in the download slot. If any, OEMiRoT decrypts them then controls their integrity, their authenticity, their antirollback counter and their dependency version.
  3. If successful, the new images are decrypted and swapped with the installed images. The scratch area is used during the swap process.
  4. OEMiRoT controls the integrity and the authenticity of the user application code and data images from the installation slots.
  5. If successful, OEMiRoT executes the user application. The jump to the user application code is done using a service from bootloader located in the system flash memory. This service activates the HDP (HDP1_ACCDIS different from 0xA3 and HDP1EN different from 0xB4, see also STM32U0 Reference manual) out of the HDP area.
  6. In case of control failure (bad integrity or bad authenticity) the local loader programed in user flash memory is started to provide the capability to download a new image.
  7. If the new images are validated during the user application execution, OEMiRoT saves the new images counters in NV counters region for the antirollback verification at next reset.
  8. If the new images are not validated during the user application execution, the images are swapped back (revert) at next reset.

Security U0 OEMiRoT swap.png

Note: To avoid any risk of attack, when OEMiRoT jumps into the user application, the MPU is configured to ensure that only the user application code area is allowed to be executed (execution surface controlled via MPU configuration). It is the user application responsibility to reconfigure the MPU to fit with its security needs.

2. Features list

The main features of the OEMiRoT are:

  • Software cryptography operations :
  1. ECDSA-P256 asymmetric cryptography for image authentication.
  2. SHA256 cryptography for image integrity check.
  3. AES-CTR-128 cryptography for image encryption with symmetric key encrypted in ECIES-P256 provided in the image itself. Refer to Image generation for more details.
  • Accelerated boot thanks to image SHA256 reference management. Image verification mainly consists of verifying the SHA256 of the image (integrity check) and then verifying the signature of this SHA256 (authentication check). If successful, the SHA256 is stored as reference for next boot. At next boot, the signature verification is skipped if the SHA256 of the image match the reference stored in Hash Ref region in user flash (see also Flash memory layout ). This feature brings performance optimization (under the MCUBOOT_USE_HASH_REF compilation switch).
  • Antirollback version check based on image counter stored in NV counters region in user flash (see also Flash memory layout).
  • Configurable slots mode:
  1. Single primary slot mode, which enables maximizing image size. The downloaded image is in the same memory slot as the installed image. The new downloaded image overwrites the previous installed image.
  2. Primary and secondary slots mode, which enables safe image programming. The downloaded image and installed image are in different memory slots.
  • Image installation resistant to asynchronous power down and reset, in primary and secondary slots mode configuration.
  • Data image: an optional data image can be activated/deactivated through MCUBOOT_DATA_IMAGE_NUMBER define. A dependency can be managed to synchronized installation of both code and data images (see also OEMiRoT_Code_image xml file format).
  • Integration of the full entropy TRNG source (RNG hardware peripheral) for random delays generation.
  • Configurable firmware image upgrade strategy, for primary and secondary slots mode:
  1. Overwrite strategy, for which the image in the secondary slot overwrites the image in the primary slot.
  2. Swap strategy, for which the image in primary and secondary slots are swapped. After the swap, the new image in the primary slot must be confirmed by the user application, else, at the next boot, the images are swapped back.
  • Memory configuration: all slots are located inside internal user flash (primary and secondary slots for code and data images).
  • Integration of hardware security peripherals and mechanisms in order to implement a root of trust. RDP, BOOT_LOCK, MPU, WRP, HDP, and TAMPER are combined to achieve the highest security level. When connected on the HW board, external tamper can be activated with TAMPER_ENABLE define.
  • Image generation with STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool delivered within STM32CubeProgrammer.

Features configurability:

Feature Configuration Compilation switch

Image upgrade strategy

  • Overwrite only mode
  • Swap mode


Slots mode
  • Single primary slot mode
  • Primary and secondary slots mode
Flash memory configuration
  • Code image slots
  • Data image slots


  • None
  • Internal tampers only
  • Internal and external tampers
Project phase
  • Development mode
  • Production mode

3. Flash memory layout

The STM32CubeU0 OEMiRoT relies on flash memory layout defining several regions:

  • HASF REF region: region where the SHA256 references are stored (one reference per image).
  • NV counters region: region where OEMiRoT_Boot gets nonvolatile information about last installed images (code and data) versions for the antirollback feature.
  • SCRATCH region: region used by OEMiRoT_Boot to store the image data temporarily during the image swap process (not used in overwrite-only mode).
  • Integrator personalized data region: region to personalize OEMiRoT secrets (authentication and encryption keys).
  • OEMiRoT_Boot code region: region to program the OEMiRoT_Boot code binary that manages the functions "Secure Boot" and "Secure Firmware Update”.
  • Application installation (primary) slot region: region to program the image code and data after installation.
  • Application download (secondary) slot region: region to program the "new" image code and data, candidate for installation.
  • Loader code region: region to program the OEMiRoT_Loader code binary.

The flash memory layout is fixed but can be updated especially when:

  • there is no data image,
  • the image upgrade strategy is overwrite,
  • the local loader is not required.

If the flash memory layout is modified, the MPU regions configuration must be updated taking into account the constraints on Cortex M0+ MPU (refer to ARM documentation for more details):

  • region start address is multiple of the region size
  • each region can be divided in 8 sub-regions
  • a maximum of 8 regions can be defined

Flash memory layout is as follow:

Security U0 OEMiRoT layout.png

4. Provisioning process

The product provisioning to activate and configure OEMiRoT is done following the four steps below:

  1. Selecting the RDP level.
  2. Building the OEMiRoT_Boot and OEMiRoT_Loader projects.
  3. Generation of the user application code and data images.
  4. Programing of the option bytes, the OEMiRoT_Boot binary, the OEMiRoT_Loader binary and the application images in the device

Security U0 OEMiRoT provisioning.png

Note: A set of scripts is provided in Firmware/Projects/NUCLEO-U083RC/ROT_Provisioning/OEMiRoT folder. It guides the user all along the provisioning process. Refer to How to start with OEMiRoT on STM32U0 article.

5. Images generation

OEMiRoT manages images based on MCUBoot format including:

  • a header,
  • the encrypted firmware binary,
  • some metadata information (TLV format: Tags Length Value) allowing the control of the image (SHA256, ECDSA-P256 signature …),
  • a magic to trigger the installation at the end of the slot.

Further information about the MCUBoot open-source software is available at [1].

A PC tool STM32TrustedPackageCreator is provided to generate both code and data images. These images are encrypted and signed using the keys configured. OEMiRoT_Code_Image.xml / OEMiRoT_Data_Image.xml contains all the parameters driving the image generation such as:

  • The authentication and encryption keys.
  • The version.
  • The dependency with code or data image if a synchronized installation is required.

OEMiRoT_Code_Image.xml / OEMiRoT_Code_Data.xml can be edited with STM32TrustedPackageCreator in order to modify the version and the dependency parameters. Keys are directly inherited from OEMiRoT_Config.xml file.

The following figure shows the code image generation (same applied for data image):

Security H7S OEMiRoT image.png

6. Appendix

6.1. OEMiRoT start-up sequence

Security U0 OEMiRoT startup.png

Performance measured @ 48 MHz:

32 KBytes 64 KBytes 128 KBytes
Boot time 216 ms 345 ms 595 ms

6.2. Application development phase

During development phase, it is recommended to compile OEMiRoT_Boot project with OEMIROT_DEV_MODE defined and to select RDP level 0 during provisioning process :

  • When OEMIROT_DEV_MODE is defined:
  • logs are displayed in tera term during OEMiRoT_Boot project execution.
  • an infinite loop is executed instead of a reset in Error_Handler() function .
  • tamper event is cleared at startup when required. No need to power off/on the board to clear this event.
  • RDP level 0 can be selected during provisioning process.

At the end of the development phase, OEMIROT_DEV_MODE must be disabled and the RDP level 2 must be selected during provisioning process to achieve the highest security level.

6.3. OEMiRoT_Code_image xml file format

Parameter Updatable Description
Authentication key Yes Private key. Can be updated with keygen.bat.
Write Option Automatic Image upgrade strategy: Overwrite, Swap. This value is updated during the postbuild operation based on MCUBOOT_OVERWRITE_ONLY definition from flash_layout.h
Encryption key Yes Public key. Can be updated with keygen.bat.
Endianness No Little endian.
Padding No Add an installation magic value at the end of the image to trigger image installation. Padding with 0xFF when required.
Firmware/Data area size Automatic Firmware/Data area size. This value is updated during the postbuild operation based on slot configuration from flash_layout.h.
Header Size No 0x400 bytes
Padding Header No Padding the header with 0xFF to fulfil the 0x400 bytes.
Dependency with data image Yes This parameter must be enabled when the installation of both data and code images must be synchronized.
Version Yes x.y.z firmware image version.
Security Counter No Security counter value automatically generated based on version information.
Align No The size of the encrypted binary generated is multiple of 16 bytes.
Firmware binary input file Automatic Location of the firmware binary file. This parameter is updated during the provisioning process based on information from env.bat file.
Image output file Yes Location of the encrypted image generated. If changed, provisioning scripts must be updated accordingly.

Same applied for OEMiRoT_Data_Image.xml