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For the sake of brevity, we will refer to Realistic Use Case (RUC) as an abbreviation throughout this discussion.

1. Introduction

The Zigbee protocol has developed for mesh networking capabilities of the internet of things (IoT) like home and building automation [1]. In the context of “Home automation”, the “Realistic Use Case” create and maintain a Zigbee mesh that runs 24h a day with a mix of different functionalities. The goal is to put our product in real-world situations that customers use to test and find potential problems before customers do.

2. Zigbee Network

Without exception, the network is a “Home automation” network and the coordinator is only a Coordinator that is intended to become a “Home Gateway Device” (Zigbee HUB). For more information about Zigbee network, refer to [Introduction_to_Zigbee#Zigbee_network.] The coordinator can be replaced by another such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home,… to add voice commands or test interoperability with other products.

3. Zigbee RUC with STM32WB

The STM32CubeWB MCU Package provides a lot of Zigbee applications that can be used to extend the main network. But these applications should be adapted to run correctly in the RUC (Realistic Use Case) environment. For this, the applications below have been created to reflect the reality : (lien vers chaque page descriptive, devra être completé dans le futur) • On/Off Dimmable light (courte description, peut-être reprise de l’introduction de la page) • Window covering • Weather station

4. Zigbee RUC SW architecture

To provide a more user-friendly working environment, the code architecture was modified. It enhances scalability, ease of maintenance and debugging. For this, some templates are developed to create Zigbee applications even more effortlessly. Previously, all the code was in a single file “app_zigbee.c”. In the RUC source code version, it has been split in several files and folders: • app_core.c : the main part where the application runs (start Zigbee stack, call services…). • app_menu_cfg.c :soft driver, enabling a colorful menu on UART. • app_zigbee.c : Manages the Zigbee primary functions to initialize stack, join network, binding… • app_nvm.c. : Service to save Zigbee informations, enabling retrieval of the application’s state after reset or wake-up (Zigbee network, security keys, binding table, persistable attributes, …) [Zigbee_persistent_data_management_and_non-volatile_memory] • Cluster Folder/File : containing all clusters files needed by the application (ex app_onoff.c)

5. Acronyms and definitions

6. References

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