How to start with Secure Manager (customized configuration) on STM32H5

Revision as of 15:36, 24 August 2023 by Registered User (→‎Cryptography example)

This article guides STM32H573 users on their first steps with Secure Manager. Refer to the article Introduction to Secure Manager for further details on what Secure Manager is and what are the benefits of using it.

1. Introduction

See following reference articles to understand the Secure Manager concept:

This article describes how to get started with the Secure Manager Access Kit (SMAK). It will detail the package and a step-by-step guide on Secure Manager installation, customization and usage.

The Secure Manager installation can be done through two ways:

  • Running a script that install the Secure Manager with ST defaults parameters. Please, refer to this wiki page for more information.
  • Running a script that guide the user through all the user configurable parameters of the Secure Manager.

The following part will focus on customization during the secure manager installation.

For any .bat scripts referred in below sections, an equivalent .sh script version is available. User can use indifferently the .bat or the .sh script version depending on its OS environment.

2. Prerequisites

  • Hardware
    • STM32H573 discovery board: The STM32H573 devices have all the available security features, including the HW crypto accelerator. (Note: the Secure Manager is not supported for STM32H56x devices, the HW crypto is not available)
    • USB-C cable to connect Discovery MB1677- STM32H573
Figure 1 STM32H573-DK MB1677.png

  • Required tools

    • STM32Cube_H5_V1.1.0 with the STM32Cube_H5_V1.1.1 patch release, or later.
    • X-Cube-SEC-M-H5_V1.0.0 available upon request. It contains the Secure Manager binary.
    • STM32CubeProgrammer_rev2.14.0 or more recent (with STM32TrustedPackageCreator (TPC) selected at installation).
    • Tera Term / Putty or equivalent UART terminal emulator.
    • One of the supported IDE:
      • STM32CubeIDE : 1.13.0 or later
      • EWARM : V9.20.1 and the patch EWARMv8_STM32H5xx_V1.1.0 or later to support the STM32H5 series
      • MDK_ARM : V5.37.0.0 and the patch Keil_STM32H5_DFP.1.0.0 or later to support the STM32H5 series

These IDE patches can be found in the STM32CubeFW_H5 Cube firmware:

File:How to patch IDE.png
Figure 2 IDE patches in STM32CubeH5 Firmware Package
  • STM32Cube Firmware
    • Download the STM32CubeFW_H5 Cube firmware
      • With STM32Cube_H5_V1.1.0 you need to download also the STM32Cube_H5_V1.1.1 patch and copy all files into V1.1.0.
    • Download the X-Cube-SEC-M_H5_V1.0.0 expansion package and copy at the root of the STM32CubeFW_H5 Cube firmware.
    • A directory STM32H573I-DK is included in the “Projects” directory
    • If the STM32CubeProgrammer has not been installed in the default folder:
      • C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer.
      • The customized installation path needs to be updated in the environment variable: env.bat (see the example in the figure below).
File:env link.png
Figure 3 STM32CubeProgrammer installation path to update in env.bat file

3. Package contents

In the STM32CubeH5 package, the folder ROT_Provisioning contains all the necessary files to install the Secure Manager.

File:SM howto package structure.png
Figure 4 High level overview of the package structure

Below, the detail of relevant directories to install and use the secure manager:

File:How to Package1.png
Figure 5 First part of the package structure of the STM32CubeH5
File:How to Package2.png
Figure 6 Second part of the package structure of the STM32CubeH5

Item Directory/Script name Description
1 Drivers SMAK is using drivers as any other STM32Cube app
2 secure_manager_api Secure Manager API used by SMAK project to call Secure services (PSA)
3 SMAK Appli Example of nonsecure application project compatible with Secure Manager
4 download.bat Script to download via STM32CubeProgrammer the nonsecure image in download slot
5 DA Debug Authentication, including script to perform full regression
6 Binary Secure Manager binaries used for installation
7 Config *.xml file to configure Secure Manager for installation
8 Helper Internal scripts used during Secure Manager installation, nonsecure application build
9 Images Generic *.xml file used to generate nonsecure application
10 Keys OEM Keys used during Secure Manager installation
11 License Module with global license example used during Secure Manager installation
12 its_blob Script to create a blob for ITS factory feature
13 provisioning Script to configure and install Secure Manager
14 provisioning_auto Script to install Secure Manager with the default configuration
15 SMAK_Appli Nonsecure application project template compatible with Secure Manager
16 Certificates Utilities used to get a certificate X509
17 ITSbuilder Utilities used to provision initial secure key and data in secure storage during the Secure Manager installation
18 ROT_AppliConfig Utilities used to update projects and configuration files

4. Script provisioning.bat step 1: Configuration

This section details the customization of the Secure Manager installation.
For more information on each configuration item, please refer to Secure Manager configuration section in SMAK for STM32H5.

The configuration steps described below are based on the provisioning.bat script execution for the STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit in the STM32CubeH5 Package.

File:Install script.png
Figure 7 Secure Manager installation script

In the figure above two scripts are shown:
- The provisioning_auto.bat to install the default configuration (used in the following article).
- The provisioning.bat to customize the configuration (used in this article).

First :

  • Connect the STM32H573-DK using the USB-C cable
  • Execute the provisioning.bat script

4.1. General configuration

This step allows the user to configure various general configuration items of the system. If this part has no need to be updated (ST default configuration), the user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step SM Keys configuration.

Following table lists the general configuration parameters that can be changed:

Parameter Description Default Value Possible Value
Authentication of Modules with license Type of authentication for module with license (third party module with or without counting installation). Other modules are not concerned by this setting. 0xbd 0xbd: Modules with license shall not be signed by OEM.
0xce: Modules with license shall be signed by OEM.
Flash Layout configuration Index Predefined flash layout configuration 0x0 0x0: no module.
0x1: one module.
Note: configuration details are described below.
SRAM Secure/NonSecure interface area size Size of the shared SRAM area between the non secure and the secure. This area is located at the end of the SRAM1 and is used to communicate data. 0x10 (16kB) Minimum 4KB
Maximum 248KB
with a granularity of 1kB.
Secure SRAM End address End address of the SRAM3 allocated to Secure Manager and module. The remaining area of the SRAM3 is allocated to Non Secure application 0x30068fff: 24KB allocated to module (if any) 0x30062fff: Minimum value, for Secure Manager only (no SRAM allocated to the module)
0x30069fff: Maximum value (End address of the SRAM3); with a granularity of 4kB.
NS reserved area size Area reserved to the non secure application (for example: NV data, filesystem). This area reduces by half of the value the available size for non secure application. 0kB: No NS reserved area Minimum 0KB
Maximum 512kB
with a granularity of 16kB.
Jump into ST bootloader when no valid SecureManager / Module / NS application Authorized the STuRoT (second boot stage) to jump into the ST bootloader when the authenticity and the integrity is not verified of at least one image Enabled Enabled


  • If the flash layout configuration 0 (without module) is selected, it is recommended to set the parameter Secure SRAM End address to the minimum value to avoid wasting SRAM.

Below, the detail of the predefined flash layout configuration:

File:Flash mapping.png
predefined Flash mappings

To proceed with the configuration, open STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool:

File:How to General Config.png
Figure 8 Steps to configure the general memory configuration of the secure manager

4.2. SM Keys configuration

This step allows to customize the SM authentication and encryption keys. These keys are used for the non secure application image and for OEM module image (if any). These keys are located in the folder Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Keys. The user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step Other configuration.

In STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool:

File:How to SM Keys.png
Figure 9 Steps to regenerate the default SM keys used for the non secure application

4.3. Other configuration

The user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step. This step allows to customize the following parameters:

Parameters Description Default Value Possible Value
Clock configuration Configuration of the clock during the Secure Manager initialization (including the boot stage) 0x2 0x0: 64Mhz
0x1: 200Mhz
0x2: 250MHz
Jump into ST bootloader when no valid STuRoT Enable the STiRoT (first boot stage) to jump into the ST bootloader when the authenticity and the integrity of the STuRoT image (second boot stage) is not verified Enabled Enabled
Minimal Product State The boot stage will execute the application only if the product state programmed is equal or greater to this value 0x0000c600: TZ-Closed 0x0000c600: TZ-Closed
0x00007200: Closed
0x00005C00: Locked

Note: For a development usecase, the product state TZ-Closed is recommended. It allows to debug the non secure application without using DA, and it allows to reinitialize the device with a regression procedure.

In STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool:

File:How to Other.png
Figure 10 Steps to configure the generic configuration of Secure Manager

4.4. Debug authentication (DA) configuration

This step allows to customize the debug authentication (DA) key and permission, located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\DA\Keys. If the key or permission are changed, the user must follow the article introduction to Debug Authentication to generate the certificate accordingly to these modifications. The user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step. In Production usecase, this customization is mandatory.

Note: For all trials it is advised to use the default keys provided by ST. In case new keys are generated and the device is set in another state than open, it will not be possible to reopen the debugger and to make a regression if these new keys are lost.

In STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool:

File:How to DA.png
Figure 11 Steps to customize the Debug Authentication Root key and permission associated.

4.5. Option Bytes (OB) configuration

This part allows to customize the default Option Bytes customization. It regenerates the Option_Bytes.csv file located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Config with the user configuration selected. This Option Bytes configuration will be applied once the secure manager is installed. The user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step.


  • If the minimal product state has been changed in the part Other configuration, the user can change the product state to the according value in this step, to execute the non secure application.
  • The user can modify all the option bytes but some modification will not be taken into account. There are mandatory by ST.

In STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool:

File:How to OB2.png
Figure 12 Steps to customize the default Option Bytes configuration

4.6. Factory ITS blob preparation

The Internal Trusted Storage of the Secure Manager can be initialized securely with preloaded initial keys and data during the Secure Manager installation. This feature allows to start the non secure application execution with data and/or keys already provisioned in the device and ready to be used. This step allows to customize this initial trusted storage provisioning located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Binary\ITS_Factory.bin. The user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step.

The utility ITSbuilder located in Utilities\PC_Software\ITSbuilder is used to regenerate the blob file with data and/or keys as input. This blob file is formated to be recognized and implemented by the Secure Manager. This utility is called in its_blob script located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\its_blob.bat. Below, the principal of this script with the default value located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Binary and Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Keys

File:How to FITS principle.png
Figure 13 Steps to generate a blob file with the initial trusted storage

To customize the initial trusted storage provisioning :

File:How to FITS customization.png
Figure 14 Steps to customize the initial trusted storage provisioning

Note: You can verify in the generated file its_blob.log (located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\its_blob.log) the blob composition and the possible errors.

4.7. SFI global license configuration

This step is highly recommended for a Production usecase. It allows to regenerate a SFI Global License with new key and nonce, located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Keys. The user can press any key on the script provisioning.bat to skip this part and go to the next step.

In STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool:

File:How to SFI License.png
Figure 15 Steps to customize the SFI globale license

4.8. Module & license

When the general configuration contains at least one module, the provisioning.bat displays the prompt below:

The user can select the type of module to be installed:

  • Module without license (developed by OEM): OEM module
  • Module with global license (without installation counting, developed by third-party entity): third-party module with global license
  • Module with chip specific license (with installation counting) (ie: developed by third-party entity): third-party module with chip specific license (STM32HSM-V2 is needed)

If an installation of a third-party module (with license) is chosen, the Authentication of Modules with license parameter in general configuration will be applied.

  • 0xbd: Modules with license shall not be signed by OEM.
    • OEM has to integrate the third-party module directly.
  • 0xce: Modules with license shall be signed by OEM.
    • The third-party module will be automatically signed with OEM keys.

4.8.1. Module and Initial attestation

When you use the Initial attestation feature, the result of the token (SIGNER_ID field) will depend on the origin of the module:

  • Module developed by OEM: Module without license
    • This is the hash of the public OEM key below
  • Module developed by third-party entity: Module with license
    • This is the hash of the public third-party key below

See Initial attestation for more detail about this feature.

4.8.2. Module without license

To install a module without license, just press ‘1’ on the prompt:

With this choice, a dummy module will be created (dummy.bin above), then signed and encrypted with OEM keys. The resulting firmware image is Module_0.hex.

4.8.3. Module with global license

To install a module with global license (without installation counting), just press ‘2’ on the prompt:

A module with global license, the associated license and the third-party key are available in the package above. If you want to install another module, copy it with its license and third-party key in the same places and with the same names.

4.8.4. Module with chip specific license

To install a module with chip specific license (with installation counting), just press ‘3’ on the prompt:

Prompt Module with chip specific license.png

To install a module with chip specific license, you need to copy the module provided by the third-party in ROT_Provisioning/SM/Binary/config_1_module_0_with_chip_specific_license_not_oem_sign.smu, the third-party key in ROT_Provisioning/SM/License/SMU_ThirdParty_pub.pem with the sames names and insert the corresponding STM32HSM-V2 in your reader.

4.9. SFI file generation

This step generates the SFI file that contain all the need files used for the device configuration, the Secure Manager binary and a non secure default application. This file is located in Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM\Binary\SecureManagerPackage.sfi

5. Script provisioning.bat step 2: Installation

After completion of step 1, follow the indications of the script as shown in the figure below.
The step 2 of the script installs the Secure Manager and a non secure default application. If the configuration one module has been selected, a dummy module is installed by default.

File:SM Installation.png
Figure 17 Secure Manager and default application installation

After installation you should see:

  • The message that the board is correctly confirmed
  • On the discovery board the led1, led2, led3 and led4 should blink (default installed code by the script)

Note in case of issue:

  • Check the provisioning.log file (in directory: \Projects\STM32H573I-DK\ROT_Provisioning\SM).
  • Perform a regression (see chapter below) and restart at the beginning of this article.

5.1. Default installed code execution

As mentioned above, after the script execution completion, you should see the four led blinking corresponding to the default installed application code.

  • Start Tera Term or another terminal emulator (see figure below)
    • Select -> Serial -> select your COM port
    • Setup -> Serial port -> set Speed to 115200 baudrate, Data to 8 bit and Stop bit to 1bit -> New setting
File:Teraterm setting.png
Figure 18 Tera Term setting
  • Press the reset button of the discovery board (B2 black button)
  • The default installed code makes four led blinking and outputs the information shown in the terminal (see figure below): the memory configuration selected by the user, the Secure Manager version and the version of the installed ST Updatable Root of Trust (STuRoT).

(for more details about uRoT please refer to the Secure_Boot_for_STM32H5 article).

Figure 19 Default installed application execution
Warning DB.png Important
The Locked state closes definitively your device. So it's a final state adding a further protection level, but the device can't be changed or debugger reopened anymore by any method.

6. Using Secure Manager

Secure Manager is now installed, with the STM32H573 in TZ-Closed state. Now you can develop your own non secure application, using the usual development tools such as STM32CubeIDE.

The following will show you how to do that using the example SMAK_Appli ( number 3 referred here ), provided in the STM32Cube package for STM32H5 MCUs, from developing, debugging, but also the use of PSA services such as firmware update or cryptography.

6.1. Building and running a non secure application

You can follow this article to get the SMAK_Appli running.

6.2. The example application

Now that SMAK_Appli is running, a user interface is accessible using the virtual COM port with the same configuration as in here. It showcases the Secure Manager features, accessing the secure services such as firmware update or using the embedded certificates.

6.3. Update of the user application

The following is describing two use cases to update the firmware:

  • Using a script based on STM32CubeProgrammer: works only in state TZ-Closed.
  • Using the PSA API: only way to update in state Closed/Locked.

6.3.1. Using download.bat

This scenario starts with a SMAK and previous application loaded into the DK.

  • Update the application code, for example, edit the main.c:
const uint8_t UserAppId = 'A';


const uint8_t UserAppId = 'B';
  • Build new version using "Make" command. It will run:
    • A prebuild command: It updates the memory configuration according to the Secure Manager configuration.
    • A postbuild command: It generates the encrypted and signed firmware using STM32TrustedPackageCreator and the Secure Manager configuration.
File:SM howto postbuild.png
The postbuild actions log
  • You end up with two binaries, in the binary folder :
    • app_enc_sign.bin: Signed, encrypted fimware image and unconfirmed image, used for firmware update
    • app_enc_sign.hex: Signed, encrypted but confirmed image.
File:SM howto fw images.png
The firmware images relative to download.bat
  • You can flash the image using download.bat, and you have a new application running
  • You can see that the new code is running
File:SW howto fw b.png
Screenshot of modified application running
  • You can check in Firmware Update > Get all applications Status that the firmware has been flashed with version 1.0.0
File:after download bat.png
Active slot state after download.bat

6.3.2. Using the PSA API

The firmware update can be done step-by-step using the PSA API. This will demonstrate how over the air update can used and implemented.

The first step is to prepare the image configuration, by updating the image version

  • In STM32TrustedPackageCreator >> H5 >> Image Gen open SMAK_Appli/SM_Code_Image_bin.xml
  • Update the version to 2.0.0
  • Click on generate
File:image gen.png
Using STM32TrustedPackageCreator to generate an image

Then upload the firmware

  • On the terminal, Select Firmware Update > Download Non-Secure App
  • In the PC terminal app, select YMODEM data sending - select the appli_enc_sign.bin generated with the version 2.0.0
  • You will have a confirmation of success
File:download image.png
Firmware upload confirmation
  • Now you can check that the 2.0.0 version is in the download slot and a state of 0x1 Candidate:
File:download slot status.png
Download slot state

Now the installation can be completed

  • Within the Firmware Update Menu, select Request Install Non-Secure App. The Download Slot state will update to 0x5 Reboot needed
  • Select Install all requested Applications (reboot) from the Firmware Update Menu.
    • The PSA API manages the secure reboot and the images are swapped. The new firmware (2.0.0) is now running, but is in state 0x4 pending install
    • The previous firmware (1.0.0) is still preserved in the download slot.
File:after reboot.png
Active and download slot state after reboot
  • The new firmware needs to be accepted with Firmware Update > Accept Non-Secure App. A reboot prior the acceptation will lead to a rollback to firmware 1.0.0. It is used to revert an update in case the firmware has an issue (e.g. cloud connection issue). for a case of a new update running into a problem.
  • We can now check the image state with Get all applications Status from the Firmware Update Menu, and confirm:
    • Active slot is running firmware 2.0.0 in state 0x2 installed
    • Previous firmware is not installable from the download slot anymore
File:install finished.png
Active and download slot state after the complete firmware update

6.4. Cryptography example

The non secure user application example includes calls to the PSA API cryptography services:

File:crypto example.png
The Cryptography menu contents
  • RNG: Generate a random of 16 bytes
  • AES: Examples of encryption/decryption with a test key of 128 bits (imported and destroyed during the test)
    • AES-GCM
    • AES-CBC
    • AES-CCM
  • Hash:
    • SHA224
    • SHA256
  • Asymmetric: Encryption/Decryption asymmetric example
    • RSA 2048
    • ECDSA (DUA User Key)
    • ECDSA (Factory ITS Key)

All the menu options in the "Cryptography" section are self-contained tests with no user interaction. It is a good introduction about use of cryptography in a non secure application in a secure manager context.

6.5. Certificates Device Unique Authentication

In STM32H573, key pairs are provisioned in System Flash (DUA : Device Unique Authentication)

  • ST DUA Key pair Init Attest : used to authenticate with a cloud (sign the initial attestation token).
  • ST DUA Key pair User : used to create secure communication (TLS)

They are unique per device and have the following characteristics:

  • Type : ECC Key pair (secp_r1)
  • Algorithm : ECDSA
  • Usage : Sign/Verif

In the SMAK_Appli example, the menu Certificates (5) allows the user to retrieve the X509 certificate of the DUA Initial Attest and DUA User of the device. It will display the certificate in PEM format. This menu calls APIs of certificates utility located in Utilities\Certificates. It gets the size and the certificate according to the certificate ID.

File:How to Menu Certificate.png
Figure 19 Certificate Menu

6.5.1. DUA User X509 certificate

In Certificates menu, select the DUA USER X509 certificate item. This example displays:

  • The size of the certificate DUA User. This size depends on the key provision in the device. Its value will change.
  • The certificate in PEM format. This content must be saved a certificate.pem file to be visualized by a trustedfirmware tools (middleware provided in the STM32CubeH5).
File:How to Certificate DUA User PEM.png
Figure 20 Example of DUA User certificate of SMAK_Appli

Once the certificate is saved:

  • Open a bash terminal
  • Run the following command:
openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text
  • Below, an example of DUA User certificate
File:SW howto certi-user.png
Figure 21 Example of DUA User certificate
  • Run the following command to verify the certificate authenticity with the ST Root CA certificate, located in Utilities\Certificates\st_ca_01_dua_user_certificate.pem:
openssl verify -CAfile st_ca_01_dua_user_certificate.pem certificate.pem

The certificate.pem can be exchanged with another device.

6.5.2. DUA Initial Attestation X509 certificate

In Certificates menu, select the DUA Initial Attestation X509 certificate item. This example displays:

  • The size of the certificate DUA Initial Attestation. This size depends on the key provision in the device. Its value will change.
  • The certificate in PEM format. This content must be saved a certificate.pem file to be visualized by a trustedfirmware tools (middleware provided in the STM32CubeH5).
File:How to Certificate DUA Initial Attest PEM.png
Figure 22 Example of DUA Initial Attestation in PEM format

Save the content as certificate.pem and then use openssl to display the content:

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text 

The public key of this certificate can be used with the Initial Attestation token to verify the token signature. It can be extract in PEM format with the following command:

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -pubkey -noout > pubkey.pem

The public key of this certificate can be extracted in ANS1 format to verify the field INSTANCE_ID of the decoded token (Initial Attestation) with the following command:

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl asn1parse -inform der -out pubkey_der.bin -noout && dd if=pubkey_der.bin of=pubkey.bin bs=1 skip=26 count=65

6.6. Initial attestation

The Initial Attestation token contains information about all installed firmware, and device state. To get it, you can use the menu Initial Attestation > Token:

In order to see the token content, a tool is included in the package under:


To use it, there a few prerequisites:

  • Save the token as eat.txt to the folder.
  • Make sure Python version 3 or higher is installed.
  • Check st_tools/readme.txt.
  • Optional DUA Initial Attestation pubkey.

Now you can run st_tools/ Note: python is called in the script using a path environment variable.

The decoded token
ID Description Expected Value
1 0x1+hash of initial attestation public key ANS1 format. (SHA256)
2 32 bytes of the ROM SW version, at 0x0BF96000-0x0BF9601F
3 Hash of the public authentication key of the Secure Manager Core B1CCBE5A67CB2820331D28E6D9A950FE54D61A685C5ADE86D6B95758F852FE41
4 Hash of the Secure Manager Core image 58111BC9A30E4AC4DF27999510075766521C08EE58C5B7A62A4EFDD2F9F7B246
5 Hash of the public authentication key of the STuRoT component 5C2D51B78C38406CE416F8B5053F5F2F8D262F71FDE9429DD9EC2A2302215266
6 Hash of the STuRoT image D45F1C2059B089951C646CA94ADAC07B0206A2C81B7E3C3CABA8D241F02916E8

All the hashes correspond to the binary provided with the X-Cube-SEC-M_H5_v1.0.0

There is the same mechanism for non secure application (NSPE) and Secure Module (ARoT)

File:module nspe.png
Other component of the EAT

For the Secure Module, the SIGNER_ID means:

  • In the case of module with license (developed by third-party entity), the hash of the public third-party key.
  • In the case of module without license (developed by OEM), the hash of the public key.

You can see the initial attestation psa specification v1.0.0 to have more information on each field

One of the feature of the is to verify the signature with the public key of initial attestation.

  • Get the public key of initial attestation (ADD REF TO THE RIGHT PART)
  • Modify the script to enable the signature verification (script is in readonly mode, change the permission before)
    • Set the path to the .pem
    • Uncomment the check_iat line
  • Run
File:SM howto iat signature ok.png
Signature verification success

7. Troubleshooting

This section summarizes common errors generated when using the Secure Manager, the provided scripts and tools, and the non secure application example.

7.1. Provisioning & regression

The analysis starts with finding the error message on the provisioning.bat, the regression.bat, the terminal or the command screen.

Error Possible root cause Remedy
Cannot connect to access port 1 SW1 switch on the board is in wrong position during script execution Run again the script with SW1 switch in position 0
Debug Authentication failed Debugger is attached Run again the script with debugger disconnected
SM howto tbst.png
Product is open while trying to run regression script No need to perform regression
SM howto tbst2.png
DA certificate is not updated after generating a new DA root key Use Trusted Package Creator tool to generate the correct certificate chain
Screenshot 2023-08-24 141836.png
Early fault Remove jumper on JP6, run the regression.bat at the same time that you put it back

7.2. Project configuration

Error Probable root cause Remedy
Secure manager configuration have been changed and the application doesn't boot after a build and download.bat Project not correctly updated with the latest configuration Force the reconfiguration by doing a rebuild
Prebuild/postbuild not working after using and moving SMAK_Template Project relative path to ROT_Provisioning not up to date Edit the project env.bat/sh with the relative path to ROT_Provisioning.
Postbuild not working ROT_Provisioning folder not in the same drive as the project Keep it in the same drive.

7.3. Development

Error Probable root cause Remedy
Error -132 while using psa_fwu_write() Offset should be 16 bytes aligned Ensure it's aligned
Infinite loop when using HAL driver to write in flash Writing in secure area Reset is needed

Here are a few other things to be careful about:

  • Exchanging large amount of data from non secure application to a secure application requires to ensure it's compatible with SRAM Secure/NonSecure interface area size in ROT_Provisioning/SM/Config/SM_Config_General.xml
  • Using PSA API to do a firmware update with a confirmed image is not possible.

Note: Early fault (in SystemInit for example) in non secure app practically impossible to program a new version or to perform a regression.