SMDK for STM32H5

Revision as of 16:24, 1 August 2023 by Registered User

1. What is SMDK ?

The SMDK is part of the Secure Manager package ecosystem. The SMDK provides the environment for

  • developing secure modules
  • developing associated APIs to access the modules from non-secure applications

The SMDK is complementary to SMAK. Modules developed by SMDK are installed and work on the SMAK.

The SMDK is composed of:

  • Secure Manager package, available as an encrypted image from (STM32TRUSTEE-SM[1])
    • It must be used for development purposed only.
    • It features UART trace capability.
    • It is available under a signed license agreement - Contact your ST representative.
  • STM32Cube embedded firmware package STM32Cube_FW_H5 [2] containing templates and examples to develop a secure module
  • SMAK package X-CUBE-SEC-M-H5 (downloaded from STM32TRUSTEE-SM[3])
  • STM32 Trusted Package Creator [4] to build signed and encrypted images
  • STM32CubeProgrammer [4] Software programming tool for STM32 to program signed and encrypted images
  • IDEs

The SMDK can also be used to securely install and update secure modules

Security SMDK.png