Secure Storage for STM32H5

Revision as of 16:22, 31 July 2023 by Registered User

Target description

1. Introduction

A critical security feature is a dedicated memory location where secret data such as keys can be stored in a very safe way. The STM32H5 provides up to five secure storage fuflilling this requirement, called OB Keys storages. Every secure storage is temporaly isolated through the HDPL level.

The figure below gives

File:Secure storage.png
Figure 1 STM32H5 OB keys Secure Storage

1.1. ==========

The hhhh Hardware Unique Key (HUK): to get a secure storage resistant to logical, side and physical attack. 5 secure storage domains; 4 HDPL Secure + 1 NS; Incl. Flash Secure Storage H5 Native support of key storage inside FLASH interface (enabling constraint debug feature)

5 secure storage areas • HDPL0 ➔ST (never erased) • HDPL1 ➔iROT (ST-iROT or OEM-iROT) • HDPL2 ➔uROT • HDPL3 + Secure ➔Trust Zone • HDPL3 + NS ➔Non secure appli

• Data can be Wrapped with DHUK • Based on HUK + Version counter • Different for each HDPLx