Secure Manager for STM32H5

Revision as of 13:58, 30 May 2023 by Registered User (→‎Introduction)

1. Introduction

On the STM32H5 MCUs lots of new security features are provided : Product lifecycle, isolation, Debug Authentication, secure storage and secure boot.

You can use all these blocks by yourself if you have good security skills but you can also use a full solution owned and maintained by STMicroelectronics. This solution is certified SESIP level3 which is the highest level of security certification that you can achieve with the general purpose MCUs. Secure Manager is a Trusted Execution Environment(TEE) integrating core security services. The purpose of the How to start with Seecure Manager on H573 article is to experiment , to install and to try to use it.

Secure Manager

Secure Manager STM32H5 How to Intro