Security functions

Revision as of 11:49, 5 April 2023 by Registered User

In this article you will find all interesting links related to STM32 safety.

Securty functions embedded on: STM32H5 STM32U5
Secure boot and firmware update YES
SBSFU legacy YES
Isolation Yes
TF--M Yes
Secure manager Yes
Cryptography Yes
ST crypto lib Yes
ST crypto framwork Yes
Silicondevice life cycle Yes
Legacy RDP Yes
Regression Yes
New product state Yes
Debug authentication Yes
Secure manufacturing Yes
SFIx Yes
Provisioning Yes
Secure storage Yes
Attestation Yes

1. Secure boot and firmware update

1.1. SBSFU legacy

1.2. SBSFU by mcuboot

1.3. STiROT

2. Isolation

2.1. Temporal isolation

2.2. TF-M

2.3. Secure manager

2.3.1. IP protection

2.3.2. Secure provisioning

2.3.3. Initial attestation

2.3.4. SMAK

2.3.5. SMDK

3. Cryptography

3.1. ST crypto lib

3.2. Crypto libraries

3.3. Legacy RDP

3.4. New Product State

3.5. Debug Authentication

3.5.1. Debug Reopening

3.5.2. Regression

4. Secure manufacturing

4.1. SFI

4.2. SFIx

4.3. Provisioning

5. Secure storage

6. Attestation