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1. What is product lifecycle

PRODUCT Lifecycle is used to control the product security configuration. It allows to control the activation of the platform’s security mechanisms.

1.1. New product lifecycle

We are introducing a new PRODUCT Lifecycle, in order to allow more flexibilities on product manufacturing and maintenance.
The new PRODUCT Lifecycle considers different phases using the product.
The considered phases are:
- development phase, offering all debug allowed to developer.
- provisioning phase, where main assets area become protected (no more accessible) …
- final phase, where the product is considered in the field.
- maintenance phase: field return management.
During all product life, the solution must guarantee that ROT and user assets are never disclosed.
This must be true for development, provisioning, final phase, and field return phases.
The new product Lifecycle propose the below product states:


- Open
- Provisioning
- iROT-Provisioned
- TZ-Closed (optional: only when TrustZone is supported)
- Closed or Locked
The goal of this document is to provide details on the different lifecycle states.
Warning: The Debug Authentication configuration (DA-config) must be provisioned in Provisioning state.

1.2. Up to 3 third parties

In the development and provisioning phases, the product Lifecycle allows to consider the product being developed by up to 3 third parties.
Different third parties means that for development and provisioning, we are able to set the product in a state that's allow to protect (isolate) the different parties. This means also 3 different responsibilities, and potentially 3 different Keys (Firmware & data key pairs for install and update).

1.2.1. ST Lifecycle consider 3 Main bricks to be installed in the product that could rely on 3 different partie

1.3. Device provisioning

The device provisioning is done in one or several steps.
This depends on the manufacturing constraints, and on the number of third parties to provision, ….
• Initial Provisioning
• Initial setup of the product, that will determine who is controlling its ROT
• Could be only the [iROT] : in that case the product will be set in iROT-Provisioned
• Could be [iROT+TrustZone] : in that case the product will be set in TZ-Closed
• Could be [iROT+TrustZone+Non-Secure]
• Updates
• When several Third parties are considered
• the Initial Provisioning is not complete,
• then the installed FW oversees New FW & Keys to install

1.3.1. ST Lifecycle Development and Provisioning considering up to 3 parties

1 party: All Firmware owned by one entity.
2 parties: All Secure part owned by one part, then Non-Secure application owned by a second part.

Means 2 different

3 parties: iROT, Secure and Non-Secure appli owned by 3 different parties

1.3.2. ST Lifecycle Initial provisioning (from Open or Provisioning)

We recommend to use SFI for untrusted manufacturing
We recommend to protect all key provisioning even if the manufacturing is trusted.

1.3.3. ST Lifecycle To complete the initial provisioning

Provisioning done based on firmware(s) already installed at initial provisioning
- Secure Firmware Update / Secure Key Provisioning
- In one or 2 steps

2. References