STM32CubeWBA Software Architecture

Revision as of 11:33, 21 February 2023 by Registered User (→‎Interesting links)

Click here for Bluetooth® Low Energy Overview

1. Introduction

2. General SW architecture

The user can rely on multiple modules and SW blocks to create its application. The whole framework is called “Application Firmware Framework”. The architecture is designed over a 3-level organization:

  • Application firmware
  • BLE Stack
  • Platform resources

2.1. Application Firmware

This is the user application. It is based on:

  • IPs either from ST or from Third Party.
  • Features developed by ST for short-range protocols, such as BLE profiles and so on.
  • Utilities required by the application and the protocol stacks.
  • Generic Utilities that provide easy access to basic features such as Low power management, Sequencer, etc.

2.2. BLE Stack

The BLE Stack is the main interface between the application and the hardware for BLE purposes. It is composed of two layers:

BLE Host stack
It manages all networks and transport protocols that allow the application to communicate with other devices. Provided by ST, it can also be substituted by the user own Host stack.
BLE Controller
The BLE Controller manages the hardware part, the RF state and guarantees that the RF protocol is correctly followed. It includes the physical layer, the link layer and the host controller Interface.

2.3. Platform Resources

The platform resources include all the HALs, BSPs and drivers that ease the platform hardware use.

3. Project architecture => TO CONFIRM


4. Interesting links

For more deep dives, you can visits the wiki pages contained in the links bellow

System Initialization
System Modules
Bluetooth® Low Energy => TO CONFIRM

5. to update