Revision as of 10:20, 23 August 2022 by Registered User (→‎MSC of the example)

1. Introduction

The integration cost of a real time operating system can be penalizing in the case of a simple application:

  • Required RTOS skill
  • Increase the complexity of the application
  • Impact on sizing of RAM/ROM

The sequencer utility has been designed as a simple alternative to real time OS use, for such simple application cases. However, it does not cover all the services provided by an operating system. For example, this software solution doesn’t provide preemption mechanism, this must be taken in account in the application design (Instead of tasks designed with a risk of freezing the system, we recommend using reentrant functions based on state machines). The following graphic shows how the sequencer handles the execution of an application. "Image to download"

  • Task creation: allow to initialize the task and render it callable by the internal scheduler of the sequencer.
  • Task enable: through a task or an interrupt, the task is enabled, and so could be executed by the scheduler.
  • Task Pause/Resume: allows to pause/Resume the task execution from scheduler point of view independent whether the task is enabled or not.
  • Idle Task: if the scheduler has not task to execute it call an optional hook function to manage entry in idle mode.
  • Task execution: call the function associated to the task, the scheduler is locked until function return.
  • Sequencer: embed a task scheduler which sequences the tasks execution and also allows the task to stop until an event reception

2. Important things to know

  1. The sequencer is NOT an operating system
  2. It does not intend to compete versus standard OS but versus standard bare metal implementation
  3. It is an optimized packaging of a while loop bare metal classic implementation
  4. It allows to avoid race conditions which are most of the time faced in bare metal implementation especially when low power mode are implemented

The sequencer provides the following features:

  • Up to 32 tasks registered
  • Request a task to be executed
  • Pause and Resume a task
  • Wait for a specific event (might be not blocking)
  • Priority on tasks

3. Implementation detail

The sequencer is a simple utility to manage tasks scheduling without embedding the complexity of an RTOS. This software runs with major concepts:

  • TASK: a simple function called by the sequencer
  • TAKS id: number between 0 and 31 (task coded on 32bit)
  • EVENT: event management to wake up a task
  • SCHEDULER: manager which order the tasks execution

3.1. Internal state of the sequencer

This section describes the usage of global variables within the sequencer.

TaskSet This variable is the list of the task executable by the sequencer.
Read by UTIL_SEQ_Run, UTIL_SEQ_IsScheduleableTask
Write by UTIL_SEQ_Init, UTIL_SEQ_SetTask, UTIL_SEQ_Run

3.2. Task life cycle

This figure represents how a task live during the application execution. File:task lfie cycle.JPG

  • IDLE: the task has been initialized and ready to run
  • RUNNING: the task has been inserted in the scheduler activity, and become running according to the scheduler rule.
  • WAIT: the task is stopped and a new scheduler instance is called to run the tasks, until the event reception.
  • PAUSE: the task is could be paused in the state IDLE or RUNNING, this feature could be used to delay a task treatment.

3.3. Event Management

The sequencer offers a feature to put a task waiting for an event, but this feature has consequences, it is important to understand the mechanism:

  1. A wait on an event will call a second instance of the scheduler, which will become recursive, the application will need to ensure the impact on its call stack sizing.
  2. When the scheduler is running and waiting for an event, it still allows entering stop mode except if the waited event is set.

Below there is an example of the stack execution when an event is waited

UTIL_SEQ_Run(~0U);              Sequencer running to schedule all the task       
--> Task_1                                  Process A running
----> UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt(1);      Process A wait for an event 1
------> UTIL_SEQ_EvtIdle(1,1);  Sequencer task 1 is waiting for an event 1 
--------> UTIL_SEQ_Run(~1);     Run all the task except 1 which is waiting for an event

The SEQ_UTIL_EvtIdle() function provided inside the sequencer is restrictive because when a task is waiting for an event it can no longer be executed.

The application can rewrite this function according its needs and the sequencer allows all the cases. It is therefore possible that a pending task waiting for an event runs inside a sub scheduler. This use case is possible but not recommended so please use carefully the event feature.

3.4. Scheduler

The flowchart below shows the algorithm used by the function UTIL_SEQ_Run() to schedule the tasks execution. The goals of the scheduler are:

  • Ensure a good repartition of the task execution
  • Manage entry in the IDLE task

File:scheduler.jpg The “SuperMask” is used to prevent the re-activation of a task during the recursive call of UTIL_SEQ_Run(), otherwise the system could stay frozen or become incoherent.

(*) the system enters in the task execution state according two conditions:

  • a mask status (TaskSet & TaskMask & SuperMask) which indicates if a task shall run
  • an event waited (EvtSet & EvtWaited), used to exit the function UTIL_SEQ_Run() if a waited event is detected.

(**) the system used the same condition as (*) to control if we can enter the ILDE task, taking into account the actions of the interrupts.
(***) When a task has been executed, the task ID is removed from the round robin mask to avoid a second task call. This means that a task can be executing only the next call of the function UTIL_SEQ_Run().

4. API description

4.1. Initialization

 * @brief This function initializes the sequencer resources.
void UTIL_SEQ_Init( void );

 * @brief This function un-initializes the sequencer resources.
void UTIL_SEQ_DeInit( void );

4.2. Task creation

 * @brief This function registers a task in the sequencer.
 * @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task
 *        It shall be (1<<task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered
 * @param Flags Flags are reserved param for future use
 * @param Task Reference of the function to be executed
void UTIL_SEQ_RegTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t TaskId_bm, uint32_t Flags, void (*Task)( void ) );

4.3. Task Enable

 * @brief This function requests a task to be executed
 * @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task
 *        It shall be (1<<task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered
 * @param TaskPrio The priority of the task
 *        It shall a number from 0 (high priority) to 31 (low priority)
 *        The priority is checked each time the sequencer needs to select a new task to execute
 *        It does not permit to preempt a running task with lower priority
void UTIL_SEQ_SetTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t TaskId_bm , uint32_t TaskPrio );

 * @brief This function checks if a task could be scheduled.
 * @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task
 *        It shall be (1<<task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered
 * @retval 0 if not 1 if true
uint32_t UTIL_SEQ_IsScheduleableTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t TaskId_bm);

4.4. Task Pause/Resume

 * @brief This function prevents a task to be called by the sequencer even when set with UTIL_SEQ_SetTask()
 *        By default, all tasks are executed by the sequencer when set with UTIL_SEQ_SetTask()
 *        When a task is paused, it is moved out from the sequencer list
 * @param task_id_bm: The Id of the task
 *         It shall be (1<<task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered
void UTIL_SEQ_PauseTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t task_id_bm );

 * @brief This function allows to know if the task has been put in pause.
 *        By default, all tasks are executed by the sequencer when set with UTIL_SEQ_SetTask()
 *        The exit of the pause shall be done by the function UTIL_SEQ_ResumeTask.
 * @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task
 *        It shall be (1<<task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered
uint32_t UTIL_SEQ_IsPauseTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t task_id_bm );

 * @brief This function allows again a task to be called by the sequencer if set with UTIL_SEQ_SetTask()
 *        This is used in relation with UTIL_SEQ_PauseTask()
 * @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task
 *        It shall be (1<<task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered
void UTIL_SEQ_ResumeTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t task_id_bm );

4.5. Task Event

 * @brief This function sets an event that is waited with UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt()
 * @param EvtId_bm event id bit mask
 * @note an event shall be a 32 bit mapping where only 1 bit is set
void UTIL_SEQ_SetEvt( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t EvtId_bm );

 * @brief This function may be used to clear the event before calling UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt()
 *        This API may be useful when the UTIL_SEQ_SetEvt() is called several time to notify the same event.
 *        Due to Software Architecture where the timings are hard to control, this may be an unwanted case.
 * @param EvtId_bm event id bm
 *        It shall be a bit mapping where only 1 bit is set
void UTIL_SEQ_ClrEvt( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t EvtId_bm );

 * @brief This function waits for a specific event to be set. The sequencer loops UTIL_SEQ_EvtIdle() until the event is set
 *        When called recursively, it acts as a First in / Last out mechanism. The sequencer waits for the
 *        last event requested to be set even though one of the already requested event has been set.
 * @param EvtId_bm event id bit mask
 *        It shall be a bit mapping where only 1 bit is set
void UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t EvtId_bm );

 * @brief This function returns whether the waited event is pending or not
 *        It is useful only when the UTIL_SEQ_EvtIdle() is overloaded by the application. In that case, when the low
 *        power mode needs to be executed, the application shall first check whether the waited event is pending
 *        or not. Both the event checking and the low power mode processing should be done in critical section
 * @retval 0 when the waited event is not there or the evt_id when the waited event is pending
UTIL_SEQ_bm_t UTIL_SEQ_IsEvtPend( void );

 * @brief This function loops until the waited event is set
 *        The application may either enter low power mode or call UTIL_SEQ_Run()
 *        When not implemented by the application, it calls UTIL_SEQ_Run(0) which means all tasks are removed from
 *        sequencer list and only UTIL_SEQ_Idle() is called. In that case, only low power mode is executed.
 * @param task_id_bm: The task id that is currently running. When task_id_bm = 0, it means UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt( )
 *                     has been called outside a registered task (ie at startup before UTIL_SEQ_Run( ) has been called
 * @param evt_waited_bm: The event id that is waited.
void UTIL_SEQ_EvtIdle( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t task_id_bm, UTIL_SEQ_bm_t evt_waited_bm );

4.6. Task Idle

 * @brief This function is called by the sequencer in critical section (PRIMASK bit) when
 *          - there are no more tasks to be executed
 *          AND
 *          - there are no pending event or the pending event is still not set
 *        The application should enter low power mode in this function
 *        When this function is not implemented by the application, the sequencer keeps running a while loop (RUN MODE)
void UTIL_SEQ_Idle( void );

 * @brief This function is called by the sequencer outside critical section just before calling UTIL_SEQ_Idle( )
 *        UTIL_SEQ_PreIdle() is considered as the last task executed before calling UTIL_SEQ_Idle( )
 *        In case a task or an event is set from an interrupt handler just after UTIL_SEQ_PreIdle() is called,
 *        UTIL_SEQ_Idle() will not be called.
void UTIL_SEQ_PreIdle( void );

 * @brief This function is called by the sequencer outside critical section either
 *        - after calling UTIL_SEQ_Idle( )
 *        OR
 *        - after calling UTIL_SEQ_PreIdle( ) without call to UTIL_SEQ_Idle() due to an incoming task set or event 
 *          requested after UTIL_SEQ_PreIdle() has been called.
 *        Note: UTIL_SEQ_PostIdle() is always called if UTIL_SEQ_PreIdle() has been called and never called otherwise
void UTIL_SEQ_PostIdle( void );

4.7. Scheduler

 * @brief This function requests the sequencer to execute all pending tasks using round robin mechanism.
 *         When no task are pending, it calls UTIL_SEQ_Idle();
 *         This function should be called in a while loop in the application
 * @param mask_bm list of task (bit mapping) that is be kept in the sequencer list.
void UTIL_SEQ_Run( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t mask_bm );

5. Example

The purpose of this section is to provide examples of using the sequencer and to explain how to use the different APIs. All examples use an IO toggle to demonstrate the operation of the example, the user can connect this IO to an LED or an oscilloscope to physically see the state of the IO. The examples will demontrate the following basic functions of the sequencer :

  • order the execution of a task
  • delal with the low power
  • pause/resume a task
  • manage a task waiting for an event

5.1. Task managing GPIO toggle

This simple example show how to handle a GPIO toggle with the sequencer :

  • TASK0 : manage the update of the GPIO state
  • Systick Handler : order the sequencer to execute the TASK0 every 400 ms.

5.1.1. How to generate this example

  1. The first step is to generate with CubeMx a project corresponding to your hardware,
    • the project must initialize a GPIO in output mode and associate "user label" to this GPIO (GPIO_TOGGLE).
  2. The second step is to update the project generated by Cube MX
    • add the sequencer file stm32_seq.c inside the project (the file is located inside the firmware package /firmware/utilities/sequencer
    • add the sequencer path to the include list /firmware/utilities/sequencer
    • copy the file /firmware/utilities/conf/utilities_conf_template.h inside your project as utlities_conf.h
  3. The third step is to update the code (please refers to CubeMX tag to place the code)

update the file main.h

/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
/* sequencer include */
#include "stm32_seq.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Task ID definition */
#define TASK0    1 << 0

update the file main.c

/* task function prototype */
void function_Task0( void );
  /* sequencer initialization */
  /* sequencer task registration */
  UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(TASK0, 0, function_Task0);
  while (1)
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
	/* run the sequencer */  
   /* USER CODE END 3 */
/* task definition */
void function_Task0( void )

update the file stm32xxxx_it.c :

void SysTick_Handler(void)
  /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 0 */

  /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 0 */
  /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 1 */
  /* each 400 ms set task 0 to be run */
  if ((HAL_GetTick() % 400) == 0)
	  UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(TASK0, 0);
  /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 1 */

5.1.2. MSC of the example

The MSC shows how the exemple works, we can easily identify two diffrents parts

  • the first is the initialization of the sequencer
    • UTIL_SEQ_init initializes the sequencer environment
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK0 and associate a fucntion to execute
  • the second part is an infinite loop on the UTIL_SEQ_Run function
    • The systick interrupt hendler orders the sequencer to execute the TASK0 every 400ms
    • when sequencer detects a request to execute the TASK0, it calls the associted function
File:gpio toggle.svg

5.2. Task IDLE and low power management

This example is an evolution of the gpio toggle example and shows how the sequencer can help create a low power application. Compared to previous example, we need to add :

  • an IDLE task responsible for putting the application in low power mode.
  • a counter time compatible with low power mode (in our case the LPTIM IP) responsible for exiting the low power mode when the counter expires.

The application consits of starting the counter with an autoreload and when an interrupt is generated on the expiration of the counter, the task execution is requested to the sequencer.

5.2.1. How to generate this example

  1. The first step is to generate with CubeMx a project corresponding to your hardware, the project must initialize
    • a GPIO in output mode and associate "user label" to this GPIO (GPIO_TOGGLE).
    • RCC to enable the LSI clock and set LSI clock as source of the LPTIM
    • LPTIM with divider 32 (get a time reference of 1 ms with LSI) and enable the interrupt
  2. The second step is to update the project generated by Cube MX
    1. add the sequencer file stm32_seq.c inside the project (the file is located inside the firmware package /firmware/utilities/sequencer
    2. add the sequencer path to the include list /firmware/utilities/sequencer
    3. copy the file /firmware/utilities/conf/utilities_conf_template.h inside your project as utlities_conf.h
  3. The third step is to update the code (please refers to CubeMX tag to place the code)

update the file main.h

/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
/* sequencer include */
#include "stm32_seq.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Task ID definition */
#define TASK0    1 << 0

update the file main.c

/* task function prototype */
void function_Task0( void );
  /* sequencer initialization */
  /* sequencer task registration */
  UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(TASK0, 0, function_Task0);
  /* Start LPTIM counter with time of 400 ms */
  HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start_IT(&hlptim1, 400 - 1);
  while (1)
    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
	/* run the sequencer */  
   /* USER CODE END 3 */
/* task definition */
void function_Task0( void )
/* LPTIM callback used to run task 0 */
void HAL_LPTIM_AutoReloadMatchCallback(LPTIM_HandleTypeDef *hlptim)
  if (hlptim->Instance == LPTIM1)
	UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(TASK0, 0);
/* Override IDLE sequencer function to manage the low power */
void UTIL_SEQ_Idle( void )

5.2.2. MSC of the example

The MSC shows how the example works, we can easily identify two diffrents parts

File:gpio toggle lowpower.svg
  • the first is the initialization of the sequencer
    • UTIL_SEQ_init initializes the sequencer environment
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK0 and associate a fucntion to execute
  • the second part is an infinite loop on the UTIL_SEQ_Run function however the MSC show tiwce call to the function. This is aligned with the function algorithm that checks if there is task to execute, enters low power mode and exits. The display of the two call help to understand how the sequencer will manages the scheduling of the task in this sepcific case.
    • On the first call of the UTIL_SEQ_Run function
      • There is no task to execute the sequencer enter execute the IDLE task and
      • The interrupt exit the system from the low power mode and execute the interrupt fonction which request the sequencer to execute the TASK0
      • The UTIL_SEQ_Run function continues its execution to complete the call to the IDLE task and exit
    • On the second call of the UTIL_SEQ_Run function
      • The sequencer detects a request to execute the TASK0, it calls the associated function
      • and call the IDLE task again until the next system wakeup and loop on this sequence

5.3. Task priority management

This example shows how the sequencer manage the task priority; 3 tasks are defined:

  • Task 0 : order the execution of the task 1 and task 2 with the lowest priority
  • Task 1 ; toggle GPIO with a frequency of 0.5 Hz for a duration of 5 seconds the middle priority
  • Task 2 : toggle GPIO with a frequency of 4 Hz for a duration of 5 seconds the highest priority

The tasks are executed according to their priority

5.3.1. How to generate this example

  1. The first step for the generation of this example is to generate with CubeMx a project corresponding to your hardware, the project must initialize
    • a GPIO in output mode and associate "user label" to this GPIO (GPIO_TOGGLE).
  2. The second step is to update the project generated by Cube MX
    1. add the sequencer file stm32_seq.c inside the project (the file is located inside the firmware package /firmware/utilities/sequencer
    2. add the sequencer path to the include list /firmware/utilities/sequencer
    3. copy the file /firmware/utilities/conf/utilities_conf_template.h inside your project as utlities_conf.h
  3. The third step is to update the code (please refers to CubeMX tag to place the code)

update utilites_conf.h

 * sequencer
 * (any macro that does not need to be modified can be removed)
#define UTIL_SEQ_CONF_TASK_NBR                  (32U)
#define UTIL_SEQ_CONF_PRIO_NBR                  (3U)
#define UTIL_SEQ_MEMSET8( dest, value, size )   UTILS_MEMSET8((dest),(value),(size))

update the file main.c

/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
/* sequencer include */
#include "stm32_seq.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Task ID definition */
#define TASK0    1 << 0
#define TASK1    1 << 1
#define TASK2    1 << 2
/* Priority ID definition */
#define PRIO_HIGH   0
#define PRIO_MEDUIM 1
#define PRIO_LOW    2
/* Application define */
#define TASK1_FREQ       1000/1
#define TASK2_FREQ       1000/8
#define TASK_TOGGLE_TIME 5000
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
void SystemClock_Config(void);
static void MX_GPIO_Init(void);
void function_Task0( void );
void function_Task1( void );
void function_Task2( void );
  /* Infinite loop */
  /* sequencer initialization */
  /* sequencer task registration */
  UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(TASK0, 0, function_Task0);
  UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(TASK1, 0, function_Task1);
  UTIL_SEQ_RegTask(TASK2, 0, function_Task2);
  while (1)

    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
    /* Run the sequencer */
  /* USER CODE END 3 */
/* task0 function definition */
void function_Task0( void )
/* task1 function definition */
void function_Task1( void )
	uint32_t time_start = HAL_GetTick();
	do {
	} while(HAL_GetTick() - time_start < TASK_TOGGLE_TIME);
/* task2 function definition */
void function_Task2( void )
	uint32_t time_start = HAL_GetTick();
	do {
	} while(HAL_GetTick() - time_start < TASK_TOGGLE_TIME);

5.3.2. MSC of the example

The MSC shows how the exemple works, we can easily identify two diffrents parts File:task prio.png

  • the first part is the initialization of the sequencer
    • UTIL_SEQ_init initializes the sequencer environment
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK0 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK1 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK2 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(TASK0, PRIO_LOW) : to request a first exexution of the TASK0
  • the second part is an infinite loop on the UTIL_SEQ_Run function
    • TASK0 is executed
      • Reset the GPIO
      • Wait 2 second
      • request to execute TASK0 with PRIO_LOW
      • request to execute TASK1 with PRIO_MEDUIM
      • request to execute TASK2 with PRIO_HIGH
    • TASK1 is executed; Toggle the GPIO with a frequence of 0,5 Hz
    • TASK2 is executed; Toggle the GPIO with a frequence of 4 Hz

(*) We are in a special case, because the TASK0 requests his own execution so this has impacts :

  • the UTIL_SEQ_Run will never exit
  • the UTIL_SEQ_Run will never call the IDLE task

5.4. Task pause/resume

This example is an update of the task priority management example, but here the mecahnisme "pause/resume" will be used to change the task execution order.

TASK0 : wait 2 seconde, enable for exection all the task (TASK0, TASK1, TASK2) and put TASK2 in suspend (means the task is freeze and the squencer discard the task execution)

TASK1 : execute a gpio toogle with a frequency TASK1_FREQ and resume TASK2 (allow sequencer to execute the task)

TASK2 : execute a gpio toogle with a frequency TASK2_FREQ

5.4.1. How to generate this example

apply task priority management example and update task functions as below

/* task0 function definition */
void function_Task0( void )
/* task1 function definition */
void function_Task1( void )
	uint32_t time_start = HAL_GetTick();
	do {
	} while(HAL_GetTick() - time_start < TASK_TOGGLE_TIME);
/* task2 function definition */
void function_Task2( void )
	uint32_t time_start = HAL_GetTick();
	do {
	} while(HAL_GetTick() - time_start < TASK_TOGGLE_TIME);

5.4.2. MSC of the example

The MSC shows how the exemple works, we can easily identify two diffrents parts File:task suspend.png

  • the first part is the initialization of the sequencer
    • UTIL_SEQ_init initializes the sequencer environment
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK0 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK1 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK2 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(TASK0, PRIO_LOW) : to request a first exexution of the TASK0
  • the second part is an infinite loop on the UTIL_SEQ_Run function
    • TASK0 is executed
      • reset the GPIO
      • wait 2 second
      • request to execute TASK0 with PRIO_LOW
      • request to execute TASK1 with PRIO_MEDUIM
      • request to execute TASK2 with PRIO_HIGH
      • pause the TASK2
    • TASK1 is executed
      • Toggle the GPIO with a frequence of 4 Hz
      • resume the TASK2
    • TASK2 is executed; Toggle the GPIO with a frequence of 0,5 Hz

(*) We are in a special case, because the TASK0 requests his own execution so this has impacts :

  • the UTIL_SEQ_Run will never exit
  • the UTIL_SEQ_Run will never call the IDLE task

5.5. Task waiting for an event event

This example is an update of the task priority management example, the TASK2 wait for an event generated by TASK1.

5.5.1. How to generate this example

apply task priority management example and update the task functions as below

update file main.c

/* Event definition */
#define EVENT0   1 << 0
/* #define SUSPEND */
/* task0 function definition */
void function_Task0( void )
/* task1 function definition */
void function_Task1( void )
	uint32_t time_start = HAL_GetTick();
	do {
	} while(HAL_GetTick() - time_start < TASK_TOGGLE_TIME);
/* task2 function definition */
void function_Task2( void )
	uint32_t time_start;
	time_start = HAL_GetTick();
	do {
	} while(HAL_GetTick() - time_start < TASK_TOGGLE_TIME);

5.5.2. MSC of the example

The MSC shows how the exemple works, we can easily identify two diffrents parts File:task wait event.png

  • the first part is the initialization of the sequencer
    • UTIL_SEQ_init initializes the sequencer environment
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK0 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK1 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_RegTask registers a TASK2 and associate a fucntion to execute
    • UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(TASK0, PRIO_LOW) : to request a first exexution of the TASK0
  • the second part is an infinite loop on the UTIL_SEQ_Run function
    • TASK0 is executed
      • Reset the GPIO
      • Wait 2 second
      • request to execute TASK0 with PRIO_LOW
      • request to execute TASK1 with PRIO_MEDUIM
      • request to execute TASK2 with PRIO_HIGH
    • TASK2 is executed and stops to wait for EVENT0
    • TASK1 is executed
      • Toggle the GPIO with a frequence of 4 Hz
      • Generate EVENT0
    • TASK2 continue his execution

(*) We are in a special case, because the TASK0 requests his own execution so this has impacts :

  • the UTIL_SEQ_Run will never exit
  • the UTIL_SEQ_Run will never call the IDLE task