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1. STM32WB - Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Privacy

The STM32WB - Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) privacy feature reduces the ability to track a device over a period of time by changing the device address on a frequent basis.

The address of a device using privacy mode can be resolved using the Identity Resolving Key (IRK) which is one of the encryption keys exchanged during the pairing process.

2. How to use Resolvable Private Address (RPA)

In initialization sequence (Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init in app_ble.c)

Set public address : aci_hal_write_config_data(public address offset )

2.1. First example: first phase - initialize the GAP layer with no privacy enabled, connection and bonding

2.2. First example: second phase - initialize the GAP layer with privacy enabled, add device to resolving list

2.3. Second example: first phase - initialize the GAP layer with privacy enabled, connection and bonding. Use of static random address

2.4. Second example: second phase - add device to resolving list

2.5. References