STM32WB OpenThread Border Router Application

Revision as of 14:47, 17 December 2021 by Registered User

1. Introduction

Regarding Thread implementation, each node forming the 802.15.4 network can act with different roles: Leader, Router, End device or Sleepy End Device (SED). A special role named Border Router allow the Thread nodes to access the outside world through an end-to-end IPv6 connection. A Thread Border Router (i.e., Thread BR) connects a Thread network to other IP-based networks, such as Wi-Fi or Ethernet. A Thread network requires a Border Router to connect to other networks. It is basically a bridge between Thread network and a Wi-Fi or ethernet interface.

OpenThread Border Router

A Thread Border Router minimally supports the following functions:

  • Bidirectional IP connectivity between Thread and Wi-Fi/Ethernet networks.
  • Bidirectional service discovery via mDNS (on a Wi-Fi/Ethernet link).
  • Thread-over-infrastructure that merges Thread partitions over IP-based links.
  • External Thread Commissioning (for example, a mobile phone) to authenticate and join a Thread device to a Thread network.