SBSFU overview

Revision as of 12:18, 29 November 2021 by Registered User
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1. What is SBSFU

Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update is a STM32Cube based package showcasing utilization of various STM32 security features to create a product capable of controlled secure boot and update it's firmware reliably, eliminating threats of loading unauthorized or malicious code.
The SBSFU is constantly evolving, adding support for new microcontrollers and features and fixing identified vulnerabilities of previous versions.
It's however not a definitive and universal solution covering all the possible application needs, rather a proven starting point for own development.
For most STM32 lines the SBSFU comes in two variants. Single-slot for maximum image size and dual-slot for more image manipulating options such as over-the-air.
The use of STM32Cube ensures easy portability of the code to similar STM32 devices which are not supported directly.

2. Getting started with STM32 and SBSFU

The SBSFU is no easy topic and there is no easy start. There are however some advice to be given.

  1. Download the latest SBSFU package from ST website.
  • The package includes all basic SBSFU solutions.
  • Some are available in product related Cube packages (usually more advanced ones)
  1. Choose a supported board to start with
  • Preferably a Nucleo based on general purpose MCU (like for example G071 or G474)
  • If not sure pick one where both 1-slot and 2-slot examples are available.
  1. Get it working
  • Follow steps in the readme file of the selected project
  • Configure settings in app_sfu.h for lower security for starts
  1. Familiarize yourself with the SBSFU
  • Learn how to configure different security settings
  • Learn how to change the memory mapping
  1. Use the knowledge to your benefit

3. Video related to SBSFU

All videos related to your tech domain: example below

pc videol.png

Getting started with STM32 Motor control SDK5.0

4. STM32 compliant with SBSFU

As of version 2.5.0, the SBSFU package includes examples for the following STM32 series:

  • STM32F4
  • STM32F7
  • STM32G0
  • STM32G4
  • STM32H7
  • STM32L0
  • STM32L1
  • STM32L4
  • STM32WL
  • STM32WB

The following series have an application called SBSFU in their respective STM32Cube packages, but this is quite different architecture, based on TrustZone and TF-M.

  • STM32L5
  • STM32U5

5. STMicroelectronics Resources

SBSFU user manual SBSFU integration guide SBSFU user manual for STM32WL series SBSFU on TrustZone cabable STM32 The place for AN, UM... direct links

6. Examples

The area where FAE's, collab... can put examples (linked to Github)