STM32CubeWB0 Bluetooth® LE MCU Package

Revision as of 15:53, 17 July 2024 by Registered User

Click here for Bluetooth® Low Energy Overview

1. Introduction

The STM32CubeWB0 MCU Package[1] provides software components running on STM32WB0 Series MCUs.
For all examples provided within the package, the following integrated development environments are supported:

  • STMicroelectronics integrated development environment for STM32 products (STM32CubeIDE)
  • IAR Systems® IAR Embedded Workbench® for Arm® (EWARM)
  • Keil® Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM)

The Firmware Package for the STM32WB0 series is also available on STM32CubeWB0 github[2].

2. STM32WB0 Bluetooth® LE software architecture

The single Core Arm® Cortex®-M0+ STM32WB0 Bluetooth® low energy solution is designed to develop application firmware including Profiles & Services on top of the Bluetooth® Low Energy Firmware Stack (Controller & Host) handling the link layer up to the generic attribute profile and generic access profile layers.

STM32WB0 Bluetooth® LE architecture
Connectivity WB0 SW Architecture.png

Info white.png Information
For more information regarding the STM32CubeWBA Software architecture, please visit this page.

3. STM32WB0 Bluetooth® LE applications

The following Bluetooth® LE applications are delivered as source code

Application Description
Bluetooth® LE SIG BLE_Beacon Application advertising different types of beacon: ibeacon, eddystone (tlm, uuid, url)
BLE_HealthThermometer Application supporting the Health Thermometer Sensor as specified by the Bluetooth® SIG
BLE_HeartRate Application supporting the Heart Rate Sensor as specified by the Bluetooth® SIG.
Operating System BLE_p2pServer_FreeRTOS Application supporting the P2pServer with FreeRTOS implementation
Bluetooth® LE ST proprietary BLE_p2pServer & Multi Slave BLE_p2pClient Simple ST proprietary applications to manipulate proprietary Services & Characteristics with single connection or multi slave connections
BLE_p2pRouter ST proprietary application to use the STM32WBA as a GAP Central & Peripheral" and "GATT Client & Server with multi link connection
BLE_DataThroughput ST proprietary application to measure data throughput between 2 STM32WBA or with the dedicated ST Bluetooth® LE toolbox smartphone application (Android and IOS)
BLE_Fuota (Firmware Update Over The Air) ST proprietary application to update the STM32WBA firmware
BLE_SerialCom ST proprietary application to simulate the previous Bluetooth® protocol "Serial Port Profile". The application is based on L2CAP Connection Oriented Channel (CoC)
BLE_p2pServer_Ext Application to configure up to 8 advertising extended sets
BLE_p2pClient_Ext Application to scan the extended advertising frames with extended API’s
BLE_p2pServer_TZ Application similar to BLE_p2pServer with the TrustZone being activated and the Blue LED being connected to the Secure side of the MCU.
BLE_Power_Peripheral & BLE_Power_Central Simple ST proprietary applications to measure low power system consumption with different configurations (Advertising, Connected, Packets transfer)
BLE_TransparentMode ST proprietary application to support the Direct Test Mode for RF certification. Standard host controller interface (HCI) and application (vendor) controller interface (ACI) can be sent by means of STM32CubeMonitor-RF

4. References

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