Product state for STM32H5

Revision as of 14:54, 15 January 2024 by Registered User (→‎STM32H5 Interfaces)

1. Introduction

On the STM32H5 series the product life cycle is based on the product state setting.
From the development phase until the maintenance phase a product can be configured under many product states ( also called lifecycle states).

2. Full Product State Life cycle implementation

STM32H573 picto.png STM32H563 picto.png
STM32H573/563 with TrustZone enable implements full life cycle mentioned in product state. Debug Authentication supports Regression and Debug Re-opening via Certificate method.
STM32H573/563 with TrustZone disable implements a subset of the life cycle mentioned in product state with Product State "TZ-Closed" removed. Debug Authentication only supports full Regression via Password method.

3. Reduced Product State Life cycle implementation

STM32H503 picto.png
Without TrustZone available, only subset of the life cycle depicted in product state with Product State "TZ-Closed" removed.
Debug Authentication only supports full regression via Password method.
The regression password is one time programmable only. This means that once it's set on the device, it cannot be modified, not even after a successful regression.

4. Product states

4.1. Usage and Boot

*SFI wiki link

4.2. Ressources access overview

4.3. STM32H5 Interfaces

SECURITY Product state H5 interfaces table 5.png

* AN2606 Application note STM32microcontroller system memory boot mode

5. Lifecycle

The figure below shows the product states of the product along the lifecycle .
During the product life, the solution must guarantee that the ROT (Root Of Trust) and user assets are never disclosed.

SECURITY H5 Lifecycle.png

6. References

  • RM0481 Reference manual for STM32H573/563/562
  • RM0492 Reference manual for STM32H503