How to manage OpenSTLinux project in STM32CubeIDE

Revision as of 14:09, 26 August 2020 by Registered User

This article explains how to import OpenSTLinux projects into STM32CubeIDE version 1.4.0 on Linux workstation.

1. Overview[edit source]

It is possible to import into an existing STM32MP15x Project some OpenSTLinux projects. This support is starting with OpenSTLinux version 2.0 a.k.a. 5.4-dunfell.

This is done thanks to Import an OpenSTLinux project... Cortex-A hierarchical project contextual menu.

OpenSTLinux Project Menu

2. OpenSTLinux Project Structure[edit source]

All the OpenSTLinux projects follow the same project structure approach with three main part:

  • Eclipse artifact, in order to ease project usage
  • build artifact, identifying clearly the project output
  • sources, as they appear in yocto environment
OpenSTLinux Project Structure

Device Trees generated by STM32CubeMX into DeviceTree/ directory of Cortex-A hierarchical project, are automatically included inside the corresponding OpenSTLinux project with:

  • source file links
  • dedicated Build target

3. Linux Project[edit source]

Several Build targets are proposed for linux project addressing Device Trees, module and kernel. Double click on Build target launches the corresponding compilation with associated Yocto SDK.

OpenSTLinux Linux Device Tree MX Build

It is then possible to update the running STM32MP15x target with the new build artifacts using the Linux Deployment Run Configuration.

OpenSTLinux Linux Deployment

In this dedicated Run Configuration, build artifact (device tree binary, module, kernel..) to be updated is added using Add... button and giving:

  • Local path, on the Linux workstation (here builld/arch/arm/boot/dts/stm32mp157-dk2f-mx-mx.dtb)
  • Remote path, browsing the remote target file system

For a new Device Tree, it is possible to update extlinux.conf target file in order to take it into account on the next target reboot, see Actions sub-window.

OpenSTLinux Linux Deployment Menu
OpenSTLinux Linux Deployment Menu

4. U-Boot Project[edit source]

5. TF-A Project[edit source]

6. Optee Project[edit source]

Under construction.png Coming soon