How to manage OpenSTLinux project in STM32CubeIDE

Revision as of 10:44, 26 August 2020 by Registered User

This article explains how import OpenSTLinux projects into STM32CubeIDE version 1.4.0 on Linux workstation.

1. Overview[edit source]

It is possible to import into an existing STM32MP15x Project some OpenSTLinux projects inside the Cortex-A (in CA7) hierarchical project. This support is starting with OpenSTLinux version 2.0 a.k.a. 5.4-dunfell.

This is done with Import an OpenSTLinux project... contextual menu.

OpenSTLinux Project Menu

2. OpenSTLinux Project Structure[edit source]

All the OpenSTLinux projects follow the same project structure approach with three main part:

  • Eclipse artifact, in order to ease project usage
  • build artifact, identifying clearly the project output
  • the sources, as they appear in yocto environment

Another added value is the direct integration of Device Tree generated by STM32CubeMX inside the project. The corresponding files are

OpenSTLinux Project Structure

3. Linux Project[edit source]

4. U-Boot Project[edit source]

5. TF-A Project[edit source]

6. Optee Project[edit source]

Under construction.png Coming soon