Android tracing, monitoring and debugging

Revision as of 11:48, 3 September 2019 by Registered User

This article provides useful information to start using Android tracing, monitoring and debugging environments.

1. Specific Linux trace and debug tools[edit source]

In Android various Linux trace and debug tools are available. To get the global picture you can refer to Linux tracing, monitoring and debugging page.

2. Android tools[edit source]

2.1. Application debugging[edit source]

To debug your Android application you can use Android Studio to do so. Please read the official documentation about Android Studio[1].

2.2. adeb[edit source]

To go deep in specific kernel analysis you can have a look to the ADEB page that explain how to put BCC tools in place.

This consits in putting a Debian distribution into the Android system itself to execute more debug commands.

2.3. logcat[edit source]

logcat is a tool to access Android log informations[2].

2.4. perfetto[edit source]

To analyse system performance Android provide the tool perfetto. Please refer to the perfetto page for details.

To install you can refer to the AOSP documentation[3].

To use it have a look to the perfetto documentation[4].

3. References[edit source]