This message will disappear after all relevant tasks have been resolved.
Semantic MediaWiki
There are 1 incomplete or pending task to finish installation of Semantic MediaWiki. An administrator or user with sufficient rights can complete it. This should be done before adding new data to avoid inconsistencies.First identify the backlight device linked to your panel, thanks to the sysfs:
ls /sys/class/backlight 5a000000.dsi.0
In the above example, there is a single entry named "5a000000.dsi.0", which is replaced by "*" in the below command.
To adjust the panel backlight, enter the following command:
echo 32 > /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness # set the dsi panel backlight to the value 32
Note: Only values between 0 and max_brightness must be used.
To get the maximum panel backlight value, enter:
cat /sys/class/backlight/*/max_brightness 255
To get the actual panel backlight value, enter:
cat /sys/class/backlight/*/actual_brightness 32
Use one of the following commands to quickly test the panel backlight:
export bl=/sys/class/backlight/5a000000.dsi.0/brightness # switch on/off test (while true; do echo 0 > $bl; sleep 0.5; echo 255 > $bl; sleep 0.5; done) # slow 32-step tests (i=0; while true; do i=$(((i+32)%256)); echo $i > $bl; sleep 0.5; done) # fast 1-step test (i=0; while true; do i=$(((i+1)%256)); echo $i > $bl; done)