Last edited 4 years ago

How to cross-compile with the Distribution Package

1. Article purpose[edit source]

This article provides simple examples for the Distribution Package of the OpenSTLinux distribution, that illustrate the cross-compilation with the devtool and BitBake tools:

  • modification with Linux® Kernel (configuration, device tree, driver, ...)
  • modification of an external in-tree Linux Kernel module
  • modification of U-Boot
  • modification of TF-A
  • addition of software

These examples also show how to deploy the results of the cross-compilation on the target, through a network connection to the host machine.

2. Prerequisites[edit source]

The prerequisites from Installing the OpenSTLinux distribution must be executed.

The board and the host machine are connected through an Ethernet link, and a remote terminal program is started on the host machine: see How to get Terminal.

The target is started, and its IP address (<board ip address>) is known.

3. Modification with kernel[edit source]

3.1. Preamble[edit source]

To start modification with a module, you need to initialize your Distribution Package environment.

 cd <working directory path of distribution>
 DISTRO=openstlinux-weston MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-st/scripts/

You are now in the build directory, identified by <build dir> in the following paragraphs.

Initialize devtool for kernel component:

 devtool modify virtual/kernel
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
NOTE: Creating workspace layer in /mnt/internal_storage/oetest/oe_openstlinux_rocko/build-openstlinuxweston-stm32mp1/workspace
NOTE: Enabling workspace layer in bblayers.conf
Parsing recipes: 100% |########################################################################################| Time: 0:00:54
Parsing of 2401 .bb files complete (0 cached, 2401 parsed). 3282 targets, 88 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Mapping virtual/kernel to linux-stm32mp
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

3.2. Modifying kernel configuration[edit source]

This simple example modifies the kernel configuration via menuconfig for the CMA size.

  • Get the current value of the CMA size (128 Mbytes here) through the analysis of the target boot log
 dmesg | grep -i cma
[    0.000000] cma: Reserved 128 MiB at 0xf0000000
  • Navigate to "Device Drivers - Generic Driver Options"
    • select "Size in Megabytes"
    • modify its value to 256
    • exit and save the new configuration
  • Check that the configuration file (.config) has been modified
 grep -i CONFIG_CMA_SIZE_MBYTES <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/
  • Get the new value of the CMA size (256 Mbytes) through the analysis of the target boot log
 dmesg | grep -i cma
[    0.000000] cma: Reserved 256 MiB at 0xe0000000

3.3. Modifying the Linux kernel device tree[edit source]

This simple example modifies the default status of a user LED.

  • With the board started; check that the user LED (LD3) is disabled
  • Go to the <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/ directory
 cd <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/
  • Edit the arch/arm/boot/dts/stm32mp157c-ed1.dts Device Tree Source file for evaluation board or

Edit the arch/arm/boot/dts/stm32mp157c-dk2.dts Device Tree Source file for discovery board or

  • Change the status of the "stm32mp:green:user" led to "okay", and set its default state to "on"
	led {
		compatible = "gpio-leds";

		status = "okay";
		red {
			label = "stm32mp:red:status";
			gpios = <&gpioa 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

			status = "disabled";
		green {
			label = "stm32mp:green:user";
			gpios = <&gpioa 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
			default-state = "on";

			status = "okay";
  • Go to the build directory
 cd <build dir>

If this update is accepted, then to report in other paragraph of this page}}

  • Generate the device tree blobs (*.dtb)
 bitbake virtual/kernel -C compile
  • Update the device tree blobs on the board
 scp <build dir>/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/<machine name>/*.dtb root@<board ip address>:/boot
  • Reboot the board
 cd /boot; sync; systemctl reboot
  • Check that the user LED (LD3) is enabled (green)

3.4. Modifying a built-in Linux kernel device driver[edit source]

This simple example adds unconditional log information when the display driver is probed.

  • Check that there is no log information when the display driver is probed
 dmesg | grep -i stm_drm_platform_probe

  • Go to the <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/
 cd <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/
  • Edit the ./drivers/gpu/drm/stm/drv.c source file
  • Add a log information in the stm_drm_platform_probe function
static int stm_drm_platform_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
	struct drm_device *ddev;
	int ret;

	DRM_INFO("Simple example - %s\n", __func__);

	return 0;
  • Go to the build directory
 cd <build dir>
  • Cross-compile the Linux kernel
 bitbake virtual/kernel -C compile
  • Update the Linux kernel image on board
 scp <build dir>/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/<machine name>/uImage root@<board ip address>:/boot
  • Reboot the board
 cd /boot; sync; systemctl reboot
  • Check that there is now log information when the display driver is probed
 dmesg | grep -i stm_drm_platform_probe
[    5.005833] [drm] Simple example - stm_drm_platform_probe

3.5. Modifying/adding an external Linux kernel module[edit source]

Most device drivers (modules) in the Linux kernel can be compiled either into the kernel itself (built-in/internal module) or as Loadable Kernel Modules (LKM/external module) that need to be placed in the root file system under the /lib/modules directory. An external module can be in-tree (in the kernel tree structure), or out-of-tree (outside the kernel tree structure).

This simple example adds an unconditional log information when the virtual video test driver (vivid) kernel module is probed or removed.

  • Go to the <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/
 cd <build dir>/workspace/sources/<name of kernel recipe>/
  • Edit the ./drivers/media/platform/vivid/vivid-core.c source file
  • Add log information in the vivid_probe and vivid_remove functions
static int vivid_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
	const struct font_desc *font = find_font("VGA8x16");
	int ret = 0, i;

	/* n_devs will reflect the actual number of allocated devices */
	n_devs = i;

	pr_info("Simple example - %s\n", __func__);

	return ret;
static int vivid_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
	struct vivid_dev *dev;
	unsigned int i, j;

	pr_info("Simple example - %s\n", __func__);

	return 0;
  • Go to the build directory
 cd <build dir>

  • Cross-compile the Linux kernel modules
 bitbake virtual/kernel -C compile
  • Update the vivid kernel module on the board
 devtool deploy-target -Ss <name of kernel recipe> root@<board ip address>:/

  • Update dependency descriptions for loadable kernel modules, and synchronize the data on disk with memory
 /sbin/depmod -a
  • Insert the vivid kernel module into the Linux kernel
 modprobe vivid                   
[ 3412.784638] Simple example - vivid_probe
  • Remove the vivid kernel module from the Linux kernel
 rmmod vivid
[ 3423.708517] Simple example - vivid_remove

4. Adding an external out-of-tree Linux kernel module[edit source]

This simple example adds a "Hello World" external out-of-tree Linux kernel module to the Linux kernel.

  • Create a directory for this kernel module example
 mkdir kernel_module_example
 cd kernel_module_example
  • Create the source code file for this kernel module example: kernel_module_example.c
// SPDX-identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright (C) STMicroelectronics SA 2018
 * Authors: Jean-Christophe Trotin <>

#include <linux/module.h>    /* for all kernel modules */
#include <linux/kernel.h>    /* for KERN_INFO */
#include <linux/init.h>      /* for __init and __exit macros */

static int __init kernel_module_example_init(void)
	printk(KERN_INFO "Kernel module example: hello world from STMicroelectronics\n");
	return 0;

static void __exit kernel_module_example_exit(void)
	printk(KERN_INFO "Kernel module example: goodbye from STMicroelectronics\n");


MODULE_DESCRIPTION("STMicroelectronics simple external out-of-tree Linux kernel module example");
MODULE_AUTHOR("Jean-Christophe Trotin <>");
  • Create the makefile for this kernel module example: Makefile
# Makefile for simple external out-of-tree Linux kernel module example

# Object file(s) to be built
obj-m := kernel_module_example.o

# Path to the directory that contains the Linux kernel source code
# and the configuration file (.config)
KERNEL_DIR ?= <Linux kernel path>

# Path to the directory that contains the source file(s) to compile
PWD := $(shell pwd) 
	$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=$(PWD) modules

	$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=$(PWD) clean
  • Add a new recipe to the workspace
 cd <build dir>
 devtool add mymodule kernel_module_example/
  • Adapt recipe to kernel module build
 devtool edit-recipe mymodule
Modify the recipe according the following changes (see highlighted lines)
# Recipe created by recipetool
# This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.
# (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)

# Unable to find any files that looked like license statements. Check the accompanying
# documentation and source headers and set LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM accordingly.
# NOTE: LICENSE is being set to "CLOSED" to allow you to at least start building - if
# this is not accurate with respect to the licensing of the software being built (it
# will not be in most cases) you must specify the correct value before using this
# recipe for anything other than initial testing/development!

# No information for SRC_URI yet (only an external source tree was specified)
SRC_URI = ""

# NOTE: this is a Makefile-only piece of software, so we cannot generate much of the
# recipe automatically - you will need to examine the Makefile yourself and ensure
# that the appropriate arguments are passed in.
DEPENDS = "virtual/kernel"
inherit module


S = "${WORKDIR}"

do_configure () {
	# Specify any needed configure commands here

do_compile () {
 	# You will almost certainly need to add additional arguments here

do_install () {
	# NOTE: unable to determine what to put here - there is a Makefile but no
	# target named "install", so you will need to define this yourself
        install -d ${D}/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}
        install -m 0755 ${B}/kernel_module_example.ko ${D}/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/
  • Go to the build directory
 cd <build dir>
  • Generated kernel module example
 devtool build mymodule
  • Push this kernel module example on board
 devtool deploy-target -Ss mymodule root@<board ip address>
  • Update dependency descriptions for loadable kernel modules, and synchronize the data on disk with memory
 /sbin/depmod -a
  • Insert the kernel module example into the Linux kernel
 modprobe kernel_module_example
[18167.821725] Kernel module example: hello world from STMicroelectronics
  • Remove the kernel module example from the Linux kernel
 rmmod kernel_module_example
[18180.086722] Kernel module example: goodbye from STMicroelectronics

5. Modifying the U-Boot[edit source]

This simple example adds unconditional log information when U-Boot starts. Within the scope of the trusted boot chain, U-Boot is used as second stage boot loader (SSBL).

  • Have a look at the U-Boot log information when the board reboots
U-Boot <U-Boot version>

CPU: STM32MP1 rev1.0
Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157C [...]
Board: stm32mp1 in trusted mode
  • Go to the build directory
 cd <build dir>
  • Search U-boot recipe
 devtool search u-boot*
u-boot-stm32mp-extlinux  Generate 'extlinux.conf' file for U-boot
u-boot-stm32mp        Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices for stm32mp

On this example, the recipe name is u-boot-stm32mp

  • Start to work with u-boot
 devtool modify u-boot-stm32mp
 cd <build dir>/workspace/sources/u-boot-stm32mp
  • Edit the ./board/st/stm32mp1/stm32mp1.c source file
  • Add a log information in the checkboard function
int checkboard(void)
	char *mode;


	printf("Board: stm32mp1 in %s mode\n", mode);
	printf("U-Boot simple example\n");

	return 0;
  • Cross-compile the U-Boot: trusted boot
 devtool build u-boot-stm32mp
 bitbake u-boot-stm32mp -c deploy
  • Go to the directory in which the compilation results are stored
 cd <build dir>/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/<machine name>/
  • Reboot the board, and hit any key to stop in the U-boot shell
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
  • Connect a USB cable between the host machine and the board via the USB OTG ports
  • In the U-Boot shell, call the USB mass storage function
STM32MP> ums 0 mmc 0
  • On the host machine, check the partition associated with the secondary stage boot loader (ssbl): sdc3 here
 ls -l /dev/disk/by-partlabel/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 bootfs -> ../../sdc4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 fsbl1 -> ../../sdc1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 fsbl2 -> ../../sdc2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 rootfs -> ../../sdc5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 ssbl -> ../../sdc3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 userfs -> ../../sdc6
  • Copy the binary (u-boot.stm32) to the dedicated partition
 dd if=u-boot-<board name>-trusted.stm32 of=/dev/sdc3 bs=1M conv=fdatasync

(here u-boot-stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.stm32 or u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk2-trusted.stm32)

STM32MP> reset
  • Have a look at the new U-Boot log information when the board reboots
U-Boot <U-Boot version>

CPU: STM32MP1 rev1.0
Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157C [...]
Board: stm32mp1 in trusted mode
U-Boot simple example

6. Modifying the TF-A[edit source]

This simple example adds unconditional log information when the TF-A starts. Within the scope of the trusted boot chain, TF-A is used as first stage boot loader (FSBL).

  • Have a look at the TF-A log information when the board reboots
INFO:      System reset generated by MPU (MPSYSRST)
INFO:    Using SDMMC
  • Go to the build directory
 cd <build dir>
 devtool search tf-a*
babeltrace            Babeltrace - Trace Format Babel Tower
libunistring          Library for manipulating C and Unicode strings
lttng-tools           Linux Trace Toolkit Control
gettext               Utilities and libraries for producing multi-lingual messages
glibc                 GLIBC (GNU C Library)
tf-a-stm32mp          Trusted Firmware-A for STM32MP1
gnutls                GNU Transport Layer Security Library
gstreamer1.0          GStreamer 1.0 multimedia framework
harfbuzz              Text shaping library
glibc-locale          Locale data from glibc
kbd                   Keytable files and keyboard utilities

On this example, the recipe name is tf-a-stm32mp

  • Start to work with tf-a
 devtool modify tf-a-stm32mp
  • Go to <build dir>/workspace/sources/tf-a-stm32mp
 cd <build dir>/workspace/sources/tf-a-stm32mp
  • Edit the ./plat/st/stm32mp1/bl2_io_storage.c source file
  • Add a log information in the stm32mp1_io_setup function
void stm32mp1_io_setup(void)
	int io_result;
	/* Add a trace about reset reason */

	INFO("TF-A simple example");

  • Cross-compile the TF-A
 devtool build tf-a-stm32mp
 bitbake tf-a-stm32mp -c deploy
  • Go to the directory in which the compilation results are stored
 cd <build dir>/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/<machine name>/
  • Reboot the board, and hit any key to stop in the U-boot shell
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
  • Connect a USB cable between the host machine and the board via the USB OTG ports
  • In the U-Boot shell, call the USB mass storage function
STM32MP> ums 0 mmc 0
  • On the host machine, check the partition associated with the first stage boot loader (fsbl1 and fsbl2 as backup): sdc1 and sdc2 (as backup) here
 ls -l /dev/disk/by-partlabel/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 bootfs -> ../../sdc4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 sfsbl1 -> ../../sdc1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 sfsbl2 -> ../../sdc2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 rootfs -> ../../sdc5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 ssbl -> ../../sdc3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 17 18:05 userfs -> ../../sdc6
  • Copy the binary (tf-a-stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.stm32) to the dedicated partition; to test the new TF-A binary, it might be useful to keep the old TF-A binary in the backup FSBL (fsbl2)
 dd if=tf-a-<board name>-trusted.stm32 of=/dev/sdc1 bs=1M conv=fdatasync

(here tf-a-stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.stm32 or tf-a-stm32mp157c-dk2-trusted.stm32)

STM32MP> reset
  • Have a look at the new TF-A log information when the board reboots
INFO:      System reset generated by MPU (MPSYSRST)
INFO:    TF-A simple example
INFO:    Using SDMMC

7. Adding a "hello world" user space example[edit source]

This chapter shows how to compile and execute a simple "hello world" example.

  • Create a directory for this user space example
 mkdir hello_world_example
 cd hello_world_example
  • Create the source code file for this user space example: hello_world_example.c
// SPDX-identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Copyright (C) STMicroelectronics SA 2018
 * Authors: Jean-Christophe Trotin <>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i =11;

	printf("\nUser space example: hello world from STMicroelectronics\n");
	while (i--) {
		printf("%i ", i);
	printf("\nUser space example: goodbye from STMicroelectronics\n");

  • Add a new recipe to the workspace
 cd <build dir>
 devtool add myhelloword hello_world_example/
  • Adapt recipe
 devtool edit-recipe myhelloword
Modify the recipe according the following changes (see highlighted lines)
# Recipe created by recipetool
# This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.
# (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)

# Unable to find any files that looked like license statements. Check the accompanying
# documentation and source headers and set LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM accordingly.
# NOTE: LICENSE is being set to "CLOSED" to allow you to at least start building - if
# this is not accurate with respect to the licensing of the software being built (it
# will not be in most cases) you must specify the correct value before using this
# recipe for anything other than initial testing/development!

# No information for SRC_URI yet (only an external source tree was specified)
SRC_URI = ""

# NOTE: no Makefile found, unable to determine what needs to be done

do_configure () {
	# Specify any needed configure commands here

do_compile () {
	# Specify compilation commands here
	cd ${S}
	${CC} hello_world_example.c -o hello_word_example

do_install () {
	# Specify install commands here
	install -d ${D}${bindir}
	install -m 755 ${S}/hello_word_example  ${D}${bindir}/
  • Compile binary
 devtool build myhelloword
  • Push this binary on board
 devtool deploy-target -s myhelloword root@<board ip address>
  • Execute this user space example

User space example: hello world from STMicroelectronics
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 
User space example: goodbye from STMicroelectronics

8. Tips[edit source]

8.1. Creating a mounting point[edit source]

The objective is to create a mounting point for the boot file system (bootfs partition)

  • Find the partition label associated with the boot file system
 ls -l /dev/disk/by-partlabel/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 13 12:31 bootfs -> ../../mmcblk0p4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 13 12:31 fsbl1 -> ../../mmcblk0p1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 13 12:31 fsbl2 -> ../../mmcblk0p2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 13 12:31 rootfs -> ../../mmcblk0p5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 13 12:31 ssbl -> ../../mmcblk0p3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Dec 13 12:31 userfs -> ../../mmcblk0p6
  • Attach the boot file system found under /dev/mmcblk0p4 in the directory /boot
 mount /dev/mmcblk0p4 /boot