How to read or write peripheral registers

Revision as of 17:10, 18 May 2020 by Registered User

1. Installation

For reading and writing STM32MP1 registers, we will use Devmem tool. There are two ways for install it on your board:

  • If you have an internet access on your board through apt-get
  • Else through bitbake

1.1. With apt-get

Just enter the following commands:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install devmem2

1.2. With bitbake

Enter the following commands:

bitbake devmem2\n echo 'IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "devmem2"' >> meta-st/meta-st-openstlinux/recipes-st/images/st-image-weston.bbappend\n bitbake st-image-Weston

Then you just have to flash the generated image on your board with CubeProgrammer.

==Use of Devmem==