How to customize the STM32MPU distribution for Android

Revision as of 13:53, 18 October 2019 by Registered User (→‎Partition size)

This articles explain how you can customize the STM32MPU distribution for Android™. It's intent to be used by distribution package users.

1. Prerequisites[edit source]

The environment used must have been installed using the Distribution Package adapted to your microprocessor device. See Distribution_Package.

To execute the following instructions, go to your distribution root directory and initialize your environment:

 source build/
 lunch aosp_<BoardId>-userdebug

2. Layout configuration[edit source]

The memory layout can be configure through the android_layout.config file located in device/stm/<STM32Series>/layout. It contains all the necessary data.

When changes are complete, reload the environment:

 source build/
 lunch aosp_<BoardId>-userdebug

2.1. Memory type[edit source]

To adapt your build to the required memory, change the PART_MEMORY_TYPE parameter in the android_layout.config file. PART_MEMORY_TYPE values can be:

  • sd
  • emmc

2.2. Memory size[edit source]

To adapt your build to your memory size, change the PART_MEMORY_SIZE parameter in the android_layout.config file. PART_MEMORY_SIZE values can be:

  • 4GiB (4 Gbytes)
  • 8GiB (8 Gbytes)

Its value must match the parameter of name PART_<Memory size>_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE, located at the end of the file.

It might need to be changed. For example:


The 7536M must be adapted if your memory size is lower that the value defined.

To find the correct value, execute the command below:

 sgdisk -p /dev/mmcblk<x>

It displays the following information:

Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 15433728 sectors, 7.4 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 15433694
Partitions will be aligned on 2-sector boundaries
Total free space is 0 sectors (0 bytes)

The first line show the microSD card available size: here 15433728 sectors.

To calculate the size in MiB (Mbytes):

size = (NbSectors * SectorSize) / 1024 / 1024
In this example: (15433728 * 512) / 1024 / 1024 = 7536 MiB

Report this value in PART_8GiB_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE:


For more details, refer to the README file located in the same folder.

2.3. Partition size[edit source]

To change the size of a partition, modify it in the android_layout.config file.

Adapt the following parameters:

NAME: name of the local variable (last partition MUST start with PART_LAST_)
PART_SIZE: as xxxMB or xxxKB or xxxGB
PART_NB: number of instances of partition (x1 or x2)
PART_LABEL: name of the partition label
PART_SUFFIX (optional): name of the suffix in case PART_NB equal x2 (_a/_b by default)
PART_ENABLE (optional): device for which the partition is only applicable (sd)

When this is done; adapt every FlashLayout_*.tsv under device/stm/<STM32Series>/layout/programmer to match your changes.

To do this, use the device/stm/<STM32Series>/script/layout/ script.

3. Audio configuration[edit source]

The configuration file audio.stm.xml is stored in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/media/audio

For more details please refer to How to change audio device for Android

4. Lights configuration[edit source]

The configuration file lights.stm.xml is stored in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/lights

The target of this file is to associated the list of leds with the Android light IDs:

  • notifications
  • attention
  • backlight
  • keyboard
  • buttons
  • battery
  • bluetooth
  • wifi

First you have to identify the list of available leds (it's recommended to stubbed the list of lights adding device="stub").

Open a terminal on the device:

 adb shell

Get the list of available labels:

 ls /sys/class/leds/

In the device-tree associated to your device, you can check the list of <label> names in the <led> structure.

Then you can associate the following Android light IDs with the correct label.

5. Thermal configuration[edit source]

The configuration file thermal.stm.xml is stored in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/thermal

Thermal information can be returned for the following list of temperature types:

  • CPUx (one index for each CPU)
  • GPU
  • Battery
  • Skin (external part of the device)

First you have to identify the list of available thermal zones (it's recommended to stubbed the list of thermal data adding stub="1" and adding fixed values for threshold,shutdown and threshold_vr_min).

Open a terminal on the device:

 adb shell

Check the list of available zones:

 ls /sys/class/thermal/

Check each thermal zone types (example with two thermal zones with indexes 0 and 1) :

 cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
 cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/type

You can check for each zone the list of trip point available (not systematically present, example with two trip points with indexes 0 and 1 for thermal zone 0):

 cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_0_type
 cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_1_type

From this stage, you can update in consequence the configuration file.

  • If no information is available, you can stubbed adding fixed values stub="1"
  • If a thermal zone is associated to one or several temperature types stub="0"
    • case without trip point data, you have to fixed the values in the file
    • case with trip point data, you have to put all data at 0 and add each trip index and type values in the file

6. Bluetooth configuration[edit source]

The configuration is stored in bdroid_buildcfg.h located in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/network/bt.

The Bluetooth is enabled in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/


The path of the configuration file overlay bdroid_buildcfg.h must be also added:

BOARD_BLUETOOTH_BDROID_BUILDCFG_INCLUDE_DIR ?= device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/network/bt

The Android Bluetooth stack (located in system/bt) can be configured thanks to the file device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/network/bt/bdroid_buildcfg.h.

It must at least contain the definition of the Class of Device (CoD) (see more information in the Bluetooth Specification[1])

#define BTA_DM_COD {0x5A, 0x01, 0x1C}

Additionally, it can contain the Bluetooth Stack profile configuration. If a variable is not set in this file, the default configuration is selected in the stack.

By default, all the profiles are selected (see system/bt/include/bt_target.h). Example for the PAN profile:


If you want to disable it, add the following line in bdroid_buildcfg.h:


More details in Android Bluetooth[2].

7. Wi-Fi configuration[edit source]

The configuration is stored in device/stm/<STM32Series>/<BoardId>/network/wifi.

You can change various configuration:

  • p2p
  • wpa supplicant
  • dhcp

For more details please refer to How to change Wi-Fi device for Android

8. Modify Android distribution[edit source]

You can adapt the list of changes performed during the <STM32Series>setup (ex: stm32mp1setup for STM32MP1 series) modifying the file android_patch.config available in device/stm/<STM32Series>/patch/android/

For that purpose, before any modification, you have to clear the current configuration:

 <STM32Series>clear -p

From this stage, you can adapt the file (add or/and remove list of commits and patches).

Some rules shall be followed for added patches:

  • Patch files shall be added with the relative path to device/stm/<STM32Series>/patch/android/ directory.
  • Patch files shall be added without the suffix .patch
  • Patch shall be added in the correct order

Some rules shall be followed for removed patches:

  • Test new configuration on the targeted directory applying patches manually (re-generate them if required)
  • Do not remove patches and commits with do not modify mention

Then you can apply the new configuration:


From this stage, you have to rebuild the distribution to take into account your changes:

 make -j
