How to create your board device tree

1. Article purpose[edit source]

This article is a guideline to create a first TF-A device tree with STM32CubeMX, to bring up your board : thanks to follow all the steps below.

2. TF-A setup to get the serial log and USB boot[edit source]

2.1. In STM32CubeMX[edit source]

  • Create a new project with the MCU selector, selecting the STM32MP1 part number that is mounted on your board
  • In Pinout & Configuration:
    • RCC: enable the HSE according to your board setup. The HSE is needed for various PLL (USB, DDR).
    • UARTx: setup the serial console.
      • Assign UARTx to the "Cortex-A7 non-secure" and the "Boot loader" contexts
      • Select the "Asynchronous" mode
      • In the "pinout view", change the RX and TX lines if STM32CubeMX default choices are not maching with your board.
      • Notice that UARTx instance is gotten from the device tree for the console but it is hard coded to UART4 with TX on GPIOG11 for the crash console, in plat/st/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_def.h.
    • USB OTG: setup the serial boot interface.
      • Assign USB OTG to the "Cortex-A7 non-secure", the "Boot loader" and "Boot ROM" contexts.
      • Select the "High speed OTG/Dual_Role_Device".
  • In Clock configuration:
    • Check that UARTx source clock corresponds to your wish or select HSI by default.
    • Configure the USBPHYC clock mux.
    • Complete "USER CODE BEGIN root" with "chosen" and "aliases" nodes, taking ST boards values as example.