Revision as of 15:29, 15 September 2020 by Registered User
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1. First Capturing sound and recording it

Clock.png 45min

Target description

This tutorial enables you to:

  • Use the embedded STM32F769I-Disco microphones
  • Capture the sound got from the microphones
  • Expose the complete chaine to filter the sound using the DFSDM functionality
  • Record the sound and re-listen to them on the ouptut line of the STM32F769I-Disco using an earphone


  • Computer with Windows 7 (or higher)



  • STM32CubeIDE
  • STM32CubeMX


1.1. Installation of the software tools

In this part, the software we will be working on are STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeMX.
To follow the installation instructions, please refer to our wiki page Tools installation.

1.2. Launching the project

To create the project, please launch STM32CubeMX, and on the home page, click on Access to board selector
Later, in the search bar write STM32F769 in order to search for the board we will be working with, later choose the STM32F769I-Disc1 as presented in the following image.

1.3. Configuring the board

Now, the next step is to set the right parameters in order to create the first recording and listening to the sound got from the embedded STM32F769I-Disco microphones.
Let's start configuring the DFSDM channels and filters.

Info white.png Information
DFSDM is Digital Filter for Sigma-Delta Modulators that performs a digital signal processing from external data, in our tutorial, it is the external data detected by the microphones.

In the Channel 1, in the Mode section please set the following parameters :

  • input from ch1 and internal clock as entry
  • right bit shift 2
  • Oversampling 10
  • Output clock: Selection audio clock and Divider = 4

In the Channel 0, in the Mode section please set the following parameters :

  • Mode : input from ch1 and internal clock
  • Right bit shift: 2
  • Oversampling: 10
  • Type SPI: falling
  • Output clock: Selection audio clock and Divider = 4

Now it is time to configure the SAI.

Info white.png Information
SAI is Serial Audio Interface that provides an interface allowing the microcontroller to communicate with external audio devices such as amplifiers, ADCs, DACs, or audio processors.

For the SAI configuration, make sure the following parameters are set properly:

  • Audio frequency = 44
  • Slot size = datasize
  • Slot active = user setting: 0&1

2. SecondAnalog App

Clock.png 45min

Target description


  • Computer with Windows 7 (or higher)

