Revision as of 08:11, 13 October 2020 by Registered User (Escoda Michael moved page STM32StepByStep:Step5 Built an IOT system to STM32StepByStep:Step5 Build an IOT system: Typo)

Build an IOT systemClock.png30min

Target description
This tutorial shows how to program and use the Bluetooth interface to perform data communication between the STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT node (B-L475E-IOT01A) and an Android application running on a mobile device.
After this tutorial, you will be able to build an IoT system, control it from your mobile monitoring sensors and collect data.

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The purpose of this section is to explain step-by-step how to reuse one of the applications that are part of the STM32CubeL4 MCU package to create a communication channel between the IoT board emulating a heart rate monitor and a mobile device on which the data is displayed via an Android application.

1. Import and convert the HeartRate project from the STM32Cube package

  • In STM32CubeIDE, import the HeartRate example located in: C:\Users\user_name\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_Vx.xx.x\Projects\B-L475E-IOT01A\Applications\BLE\HeartRate
  • The project must be converted and the following message is displayed:

Project Converter 3.png

  • Click on OK and a new message confirms the success of the conversion

Project Converter OK 2.png

  • Click on OK and the STM32CubeIDE workspace opens

Project Panel.png

2. Build and execute the HeartRate Project

  • Select the STM32L4_IOT_HR project
  • Click on the Build button Built Button.png to rebuild the project.
  • Click on the Debug button Debug Button.png arrow and select Debug Configurations… and make sure the Debug probe parameter is set to ST-LINK. Otherwise the code is not properly downloaded on the board.

Debug Panel.png

  • Click on the Debug button Debug Button.png to run the software.
  • STM32CubeIDE opens the Debug perspective. Click on the Resume button Resume Button.png to execute the code.

3. Install the Android application on a mobile device

To interact with the IoT board, an Android application has to be installed on a mobile device.
The STM32 BLE Profile application is a companion tool to show in a human readable form all notifications coming from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices implementing some peripheral profiles.
BLE Profile App.png

4. Connect to the IoT node

  • Go to Google Play store and install the “STM32 BLE Profiles” application on your mobile device.
  • Once installed, simply launch the STM32 BLE Profiles application. The application scans the network and displays a list of discovered BLE devices (Here the HeartRateSensor device).

BLE Scan.png

  • Establish a Bluetooth connection with the B-L475E-IOT1A board selecting the HR_L475_IoT device from the discovered devices list. It can take a while to get the connection established.
  • The following screenshot shows the successful pairing with a health thermometer sensor:

BLE HR.png

  • Once connected, select the Heart Rate profile among the BLE profiles proposed.

The application starts to display the heart rate data sent by the IoT connected device, which acts as a peripheral. In this example, the data is generated on the B-L475E-IOT1A board via a formula and does not reflect the data from a real sensor.
BLE Result.png
Now you are able to:

  • Build your own IoT system to get values from a peripheral device and display them on your mobile device
  • Regenerate a project from one of the various applications available in the STM32Cube package.

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