How to transfer files to Discovery kit using Tera Term on Windows PC

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Applicable for STM32MP15x lines

The article is written as an extension to the articles X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 expansion board and X-NUCLEO-NFC06A1 expansion board. The purpose of this article is to specifically help users with steps to transfer any file from a Windows® PC to the STM32MP157F-DK2 Discovery kit More info green.png using "Tera Term"[1]. Download and install Tera Term on your Windows® PC and follow the steps listed below. {

  • Plug the power cable to power-up the STM32MP157F-DK2 More info green.png.
  • Connect the STM32MP157F-DK2 Discovery kit More info green.png to your PC via a USB Micro-B cable through CN11.
  • Check the Virtual COM port number visible in the device manager. For example, in the snapshot below, the COM port number is 14.

VCOM Port Enumeration On DevManager.png

  • Open Tera Term on your PC and select the COM port (as found in step 3 above). The baud rate must be 115200 bauds. The virtual terminal (remote access) is displayed as shown in the snapshot below.

Snapshot Terminal TeraTerm.png

  • To transfer a file from the host PC to STM32MP157F-DK2 More info green.png,click on the File menu in the top-left corner of the Tera Term window and go to [File]>[Transfer]>[ZMODEM]>[Send...]. Refer to the snapshot below.

Snapshot TeraTerm ZMODEM Send.png

  • Select the file to be transferred from the pop-up window (see an example in the snapshot below) and click on the Open tab.

Snapshot TeraTermOpenFile.png

  • A progress bar shows the file transfer status as shown in the snapshot below

Snapshot FileTransferProgressBarTeraTerm.png

  • The transferred file is then available at /home/root on the STM32MP157F-DK2 More info green.png.

1. Reference