STM32DDRFW-UTIL release note

Revision as of 15:28, 23 November 2022 by Registered User
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Applicable for STM32MP13x lines, STM32MP15x lines

The STM32DDRFW-UTIL is an STMicroelectronics original initiative required for DDR configurations and tests. The objective of this firmware is to configure the DDR Subsystem (DDRSS) on STMicroelectronics boards and test the DDR configuration.

More information can be found in the detailed release notes referenced later in this article.

1. STM32DDRFW-UTIL - Version v1.0.0[edit source]

STM32DDRFW-UTIL for Linux® and Windows® host PC

Version v1.0.0

  • STM32DDRFW-UTIL firmware package is available here
Installing the STM32DDRFW-UTIL
  • To use STM32DDRFW-UTIL, unzip the package on computer..
  • Then refer to, to use this tool .
Detailed release note
  • Full details about the content of this tool release are available here.
Warning white.png Warning
Dependency with STM32CubeIDE v1.10.0 (and further versions) for the projects (compilation issue with older versions) .