USART internal peripheral

Revision as of 15:29, 27 October 2021 by Registered User (→‎Software frameworks)

1. Article purpose[edit source]

The purpose of this article is to:

  • briefly introduce the USART peripheral and its main features
  • indicate the level of security supported by this hardware block
  • explain how each instance can be allocated to the runtime contexts and linked to the corresponding software components
  • explain, when needed, how to configure the USART peripheral.

2. Peripheral overview[edit source]

The USART peripheral is used to interconnect STM32 MPU devices with other systems, typically via RS232 or RS485 protocols. In addition, the USART supports the Synchronous mode that can be used for smartcard interfacing or SPI master/slave operation.

The UART peripheral is similar to the USART but does not support the Synchronous mode.

High-speed data communications can be achieved by using the DMA internal peripheral for multibuffer configuration.

2.1. Features[edit source]

Refer to STM32MP13 reference manuals or STM32MP15 reference manuals for the complete list of features, and to the software components, introduced below, to see which features are implemented.

2.2. Security support[edit source]

2.2.1. On STM32MP13x lines More info.png[edit source]

USART1 and USART2 are a secure instances (under ETZPC control).
The other UARTs and USARTs are non-secure instances.

2.2.2. On STM32MP15x lines More info.png[edit source]

USART1 is a secure instance (under ETZPC control).
The other UARTs and USARTs are non-secure instances.

3. Peripheral usage and associated software[edit source]

3.1. Boot time[edit source]

All USART and UART instances that are not securable via ETZPC (see #Security support) are boot devices that support serial boot for Flash programming with STM32CubeProgrammer.

3.2. Runtime[edit source]

3.2.1. Overview[edit source]

The STM32 MPU devices feature four USART instances (supporting both Asynchronous and Synchronous modes), and four UART instances (supporting only Asynchronous mode).

Secure USART can be allocated to:

  • the Arm® Cortex®-A7 secure core to be used under OP-TEE with the USART OP-TEE driver, typically to communicate with a smartcard.

All USART and UART instances can be allocated to:

  • the Arm® Cortex®-A7 non-secure core to be used under Linux® with the tty framework. However, the Linux® kernel supports only the UART Asynchronous mode (Synchronous mode not supported).

or, on STM32MP15x lines More info.png only,

  • the Arm® Cortex®-M4 to be used with STM32Cube MPU Package with USART HAL driver. Both USART Synchronous and Asynchronous modes are supported by the STM32Cube MPU Package.

Chapter Peripheral assignment describes which peripheral instance can be assigned to which context.

3.2.2. Software frameworks[edit source] On STM32MP13x lines More info.png[edit source]
Domain Peripheral Software components Comment
OP-TEE Linux
Low speed interface USART USART OP-TEE driver Linux serial/tty framework On STM32MP15x lines More info.png[edit source]

Internal peripherals software table template

| Low speed interface
| USART OP-TEE driver
| Linux serial/tty framework
| STM32Cube USART driver

3.2.3. Peripheral configuration[edit source]

The configuration is applied by the firmware running in the context to which the peripheral is assigned. The configuration can be done alone via the STM32CubeMX tool for all internal peripherals, and then manually completed (particularly for external peripherals) according to the information given in the corresponding software framework article or, for Linux in the Serial TTY device tree configuration article.

3.2.4. Peripheral assignment[edit source]

Internal peripherals assignment table template

| rowspan="8" | Low speed interface
| rowspan="8" | USART
| Assignment (single choice)
| Assignment (single choice)
| Assignment (single choice)
| Assignment (single choice). 
Used for Linux® serial console on ST boards. |- | UART5 | | | | Assignment (single choice) |- | USART6 | | | | Assignment (single choice) |- | UART7 | | | | Assignment (single choice) |- | UART8 | | | | Assignment (single choice) |-

4. How to go further[edit source]

Additional documentation on USART peripheral is available on

  • STM32 USART training [1] presents the STM32 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter interface.
  • STM32 USART automatic baud rate detection [2] presents STM32 USART automatic baud rate detection.

5. References[edit source]

  1. Please refer to stm32f7_peripheral_usart document on
  2. STM32 USART automatic baud rate detection application note (AN4908)