STGEN internal peripheral

Revision as of 11:36, 25 September 2020 by Registered User

1. Article purpose[edit source]

The purpose of this article is to:

  • briefly introduce the STGEN peripheral and its main features
  • indicate the level of security supported by this hardware block
  • explain how it can be allocated to the three runtime contexts and linked to the corresponding software components
  • explain, when necessary, how to configure the STGEN peripheral.

2. Peripheral overview[edit source]

The STGEN peripheral provides the reference clock used by the Arm® Cortex®-A7 generic timer for its counters, including the system tick generation.

It is clocked by ACLK (the AXI bus clock), so caution is needed when this clock is changed; otherwise the operating system (running on the Cortex-A7) might run with a varying reference clock.

2.1. Features[edit source]

Refer to the STM32MP15 reference manuals for the complete list of features, and to the software components, introduced below, to see which features are implemented.

2.2. Security support[edit source]

The STGEN is a single-instance peripheral that can be accessed via the two following register sets:

  • STGENC for the control. That is, a secure port (under ETZPC control).
  • STGENR for the read-only access. That is, a non secure port.

3. Peripheral usage and associated software[edit source]

3.1. Boot time[edit source]

The STGEN is first initialized by the ROM code, then updated by the FSBL (see Boot chain overview) once the clock tree is set up.

3.2. Runtime[edit source]

3.2.1. Overview[edit source]

Linux® and OP-TEE use the Arm Cortex-A7 generic timer that gets its counter from the STGEN, but this is transparent at run time.

Hence there is no runtime allocation decision for this peripheral: both contexts are selected by default.

3.2.2. Software frameworks[edit source]

Internal peripherals software table template

| Core
| see comment
| see comment
| Not applicable as the STGEN peripheral is configured at boot time and not accessed at runtime

3.2.3. Peripheral configuration[edit source]

3.2.4. Peripheral assignment[edit source]

Internal peripherals assignment table template

| rowspan="1" | Core
| rowspan="1" | STGEN

4. How to go further[edit source]

5. References[edit source]