Last edited 3 months ago

How to create a bridge between ETH1, ETH2, ETH3

Applicable for STM32MP25x lines

1. Purpose[edit | edit source]

This article describes how to create a bridge between ETH1/ETH2/ETH3.

Alternate text
Bridge setup

Here are the steps to configure this setup.

Bring up end1/sw0ep interface/IP Forward enable:

ifconfig end0 up
ifconfig sw0p2 up
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

IP forwarding in Linux refers to setting your Linux to accept incoming network packets and forwarding them to another network

Bring up Device1 interface:

ifconfig eth0 up
ip route add default via

Bring up Device2 interface:

ifconfig eth0 up
ip route add default via

Device1 and Device2 are now visible each other.

2. References[edit | edit source]