How to log data in a .csv file

Revision as of 10:41, 2 October 2020 by Registered User

In STM32CubeMonitor tool, logged data are saved in a .stcm file. This format allows to :

  • Post-process the data in a different flow
  • Import directly the data in a ST chart

Nevertheless, some manipulations are allowed by a .csv file and not by a .stcm file, such as :

  • When a data issue occurs, the user can easily analyse the data with a .csv file
  • Share the data with other users

1. Convert .stcm log file to a .csv file

It is possible to convert the generated .stcm log file in a .csv to easily manage your data. In order to perform this, import the following flow into the STM32CubeMonitor workspace :

Menu > Import > Clipboard and Copy/Paste the .json formatted flow in the area and select Import. The flow is now imported into the STM32CubeMonitor workspace.

1.1. How does the flow works ?

The conversion will be started on the press of the Start button. The read file node parse each line of the log file and send it to the "Group variables" subflow. Then the subflow format the data in a ".csv way" and send it to the file node. This file node create a new file : the .csv file corresponding to its .stcm.

Flow to convert .stcm.png

1.2. Configure the flow

Before doing the first file conversion, the flow need to be configured :

  • "Set file name" : in the "Set ... to ..." set msg.filename to [STCM_File_Absolute_Path]. Here is an example of configuration :
Set Filename Config.png
  • "Format CSV Header" : this node is used to define the .csv file column names. Fill the "Set msg.payload to ..." field by putting the .csv column names in the "to" field. The user needs to choose to display one timestamp for all variables monitored at the same time, or to display each timestamp for each variable. The data are acquired like this :

Time_Data1, Value_Data1, Time_Data2, Value_Data2 ...

Example of configuration :

  • To display one timestamp for all variables monitored at the same time :
Header File Config 1.png
  • To display the timestamp of each variable :
Header File Config 2.png

/!\ The column names have to be in the same order than the data acquired one (order giving by the variable node of the acquisition flow) /!\

The subflow configuration will be described in the following part.

1.3. "Group variables" subflow

1.3.1. Parameters

To configure this subflow two parameters are needed :

  • nbVar : the number of monitored variables
  • Delete_Time : a boolean value to define if the user wants to display (or not) the timestamp for each variable (default value sets to False) :
    • True : Only one timestamp
    • False : One timestamp for each variable

1.3.2. How does it work ?

This subflow associates the values with the same timestamp and then let the choice to the user to display (or not) the duplicates timestamp. Finally, it will format the data in a ".csv way".

2. Log your data directly in a .csv file

This method allows the user to directly generate a .csv file without passing through a .stcm file.

2.1. How does the flow work ?

In order to perform this logging, the data are sent to a file node (to create the .csv file) from the processing node. Two subflows are used between the two previous node to select and group the variables.

2.2. Configure your flow

Before doing the first file conversion, the flow need to be configured :

  • For each monitored variable, add a “select .csv variables” subflow connected to the processing node output

/!\ Be careful, you need to link your subflow inputs in the same order than your processing node output /!\

  • In the “file node”, set the absolute path and the file name of the .csv file you want to create.
File node config.png

The subflows configurations will be described in the following parts.

2.3. “Select .csv variables” subflow

2.3.1. Parameters

To configure this subflow, only one parameter is needed : the name of the variable to filter. One subflow is needed for each variable you want to log. In the “varfilter” field put the exact name of the filtered variable.

/!\ Be careful, the variable name has to be exactly the same as that in the processing node (without space before and after). You can copy/paste it from the processing node /!\

2.3.2. How does it work ?

This subflow has several roles :

  • Filters each variables by its name
  • Format the header of the .csv file
  • Finally, sends all the data to the “Group variables” subflow.

2.4. “Group variables” subflow

  1. REDIRECT How to log data in a .csv file

2.5. Open your .csv file

To find the .csv file, go in the folder defined in the “file node”. In this folder, a new .csv file has been created.

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