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Semantic MediaWiki
There are 1 incomplete or pending task to finish installation of Semantic MediaWiki. An administrator or user with sufficient rights can complete it. This should be done before adding new data to avoid inconsistencies.1. Fixed issues
ID | Summary |
77518 | STM32CubeIDE has limited support on Wayland. |
95519 | SWV Start Trace button now remembers its state. |
107869 | The live expressions feature can now be enabled at the same time as the RTOS proxy while using ST-LINK GDB server. |
2. Known issues
The known issues are split into general, OS-specific, and target-specific issues.
2.1. General issues
ID | Summary |
56223 | The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than 2.0). |
59435 | Having a space or non-ASCII character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully supported. |
63212 | Editor hyperlinks sometimes jump to declaration instead of definition. |
63624 | Some STM32CubeMX pop-up dialogs are not opened in front of the STM32CubeIDE workbench on all OS's. |
68184 | Hierarchical projects cannot be imported with the option Copy into workspace. |
68440 | Hierarchical projects cannot be renamed. |
74251 | SWV Exception Trace log data tab displays a peripheral column, which is always empty. |
89454 | Restart configuration only works for flash memory projects and not for RAM projects. |
100895 | Editing live expressions while target is running does not work with SEGGER J-Link. |
109764 | FreeRTOS™ kernel-aware debugging: Full stack traces off all tasks do not work if configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION 1 |
118111 | Slow debug performance with RTOS proxy, especially on Windows®. |
2.2. OS-specific issues
2.2.1. macOS®
ID | Summary |
83159[1] | After updating STM32CubeIDE to a new version, the post-update restart fails on Linux® and macOS®. STM32CubeIDE must be restarted manually. |
85064 | Some macOS® versions report installation image corruption. This can be circumvented using the command: xattr -c /Applications/ |
101005[1] | New JRE™ bundling does not automatically import private certificate authorities, that are needed for secure connections. See the following knowledge article for a solution here. |
2.2.2. Linux®
ID | Summary |
83159[1] | After updating STM32CubeIDE to a new version, the post-update restart fails on Linux® and macOS®. STM32CubeIDE must be restarted manually. |
101005[1] | New JRE™ bundling does not automatically import private certificate authorities, that are needed for secure connections. See the following knowledge article for a solution here. |
2.3. Target-specific issues
2.3.1. STM32MP1
ID | Summary |
73456 | The SFRs view is not aware of the device tree configuration and consequently shows all peripherals regardless if they are managed by the Cortex®-M or not. |
73895 | Debugging in production mode requires a network connection. If STM32CubeIDE is configured to use a network proxy, then the IP address of the STM32MP1 board needs to be added to the "Proxy bypass" list. |
73896 | The synchronization check between the IP-address entered in launch configuration and the IP-address of the target does not abort the launch in case of mismatch. |
2.3.2. STM32H7
ID | Summary |
73552 | Serial Wire Viewer configuration is not reset for STM32H7 devices on the next launch if it was terminated with record active when using ST-LINK GDB server. |
79658 | ST-LINK GDB server reports being suspended on address: 0x05F0001 when debugging STM32H7 dual-core devices and the core under debug goes to sleep. |
81763 | OpenOCD does not support debugging STM32H7 dual-core devices when the core under debug goes to sleep. |
2.3.3. STM32U5
ID | Summary |
109124 | When creating a debug configuration using ST-LINK GDB server, the SWD frequency must manually be changed from auto to a maximum of 8000 kHz. |
1. Same limitation for Linux® and macOS®