STM32CubeMX errata 6.13.x: Difference between revisions

Revision as of 16:30, 22 January 2025

1. Main fixed issues for 6.13.0

ID Summary
193028 STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 generates wrong config for the peripherals clock with the STM32H753 MCUs.

An issue has been identified with the code generated by STM32CubeMx 6.12.1 when PLLQ2 is set as the input for the USART2 peripheral: the attributes related to PLLQ2 parameters were missing from the initialization structure that configures the peripherals clock.

The STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 resolves this issue.

191745 Syntax error in the FLASH.ld file when upgrading to STM32CubeMX v6.12.1.

A compilation error detected with the single-core MCUs without TrustZone activated projects caused by a syntax error (missing configuration of the RAM memory layout) in the linker script file (STM32XXXXXXXx_FLASH.ld) that prevents the linker from correctly interpreting the script.

The STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 fixes the issue by adding the configuration of the RAM memory layout.

193744 Build error due to the compilation of an application code with CMake by using a security flag not supported by the architecture of STM32H7S3V8H MCUs.

A build issue appears after generating a CMake project using the STM32H7S3V8H MCU, the following error message was generated during the compilation of the application code:'cc1: error: target CPU does not support ARMv8-M Security Extensions' ,The issue is due to the inclusion of the -mcmse flag under the compiler options in the Application section of CMakeLists.txt (flag not supported by the STM32H7S3V8H architecture which is ARMv7-M).

The issue was fixed with STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 by removing the -mcmse flag from the CMakeLists.txt.

189793 Build error due to calling some functions with wrong parameters from the LL library inside the initiation function of UCPD1.

Incorrect parameters were passed to certain functions used from the LL library to configure a DMA channel for handling requests from the UCPD peripheral when the LL driver is selected.

The issue was fixed with STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 by setting the right parameters for the functions called inside the initiation function of UCPD1.

190248 The Stack Port 0 Parameters and the User Port 0 Parameters panels were missing from the Configuration when setting the Port Configuration parameter of USBPD to ports (0,1) for UCPD1 UCPD2 respectively.

The STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 resolves the issue by adding the Stack Port 0 Parameters and the User Port 0 Parameters panels to the Configuration field in the UI.

190817 The RCC Configurations performed to resolve the clock conflicts didn't persist after closing the STM32CubeMX V6.12.

The issue is solved in STM32CubeMX V6.13.0.

189410 Build error appears when configuring the free real time OS "Free RTOS" with the CMSIS V2 interface on an STM32F1 based project.

The missing files while generating code for CMSIS V2 interface with FreeRTOS configured was the root cause of the issues.

The error was handled in STM32CubeMX V6.13.0 by adding the missing files and the related includes.

187803 Compilation error was occurring while configuring the Ethernet feature in NUCLEO-F767ZI.

The correction for this matter was provided with STM32CubeMX V6.13.0.

194583 STM32C011x, STM32C031x & STM32C071x HAL settings enhancement when using internal clock at 48 MHz (STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeC0)

Description of the limitation

Before setting the system clock (SYSCLK) frequency to 48 MHz, the flash memory latency must be set to one wait state.

However, the code generated by STM32CubeMX (versions before v6.13.0), and the project examples available in the STM32CubeC0 software packages (versions before v1.3.0), do not ensure this.

Consequently, the HardFault exception may occur when the following condition is met:

  1. The HSI48 clock (HSISYS) is selected as SYSCLK source (default upon reset), and
  2. The HSI48 clock division factor is equal to or greater than two, which results in a HSISYS clock frequency equal to or lower than 24 MHz (default upon reset), and
  3. The code generated by STM32CubeMX or based on the software examples provided by ST in STM32CubeC0 increases the HSISYS clock to 48 MHz (by setting the HSI48 clock division factor to one), without previously setting the number of wait states to one. As a result, during a period, the flash memory is clocked at 48 MHz with zero wait states.

The failure mechanism is as follows:

  1. HSISYS is used as SYSCLK source, with clock frequency equal to or lower than 24 MHz.
  2. The function SystemClock_Config() contained in the STM32CubeC0 examples and in the code generated by STM32CubeMX:
    a. calls HAL_RCC_OscConfig() function to modify the HSI48 clock division factor to one, without setting the number of wait states to one, then
    b. calls HAL_RCC_ClockConfig() function to configure SYSCLK, AHB, and APB buses clocks, and to set the number of wait states to one.
  3. Between the steps 2a and 2b, the flash memory is clocked at 48 MHz with zero wait states, which may lead to the HardFault exception.

The occurrence rate of the HardFault exception may vary from device to device, due to the process variation. It also varies with the temperature.

Description of the change

The fix consists in setting the number of wait states to one, before setting the HSI48 clock division factor to one in step 2a.

This fix is implemented in the following (and any subsequent) versions:

The following software comparison illustrates the code modification (the modified version on the left).

software comparison for code modification.png

2. Known limitations

  • Project generation with STM32CubeMX-6.13.0 using STM32CubeIDE as toolchain is not working on macOS®.
    • Workaround: Use the project generation functionality available in STM32CubeIDE tool under "Project -> Generate Code" sub-menu.
  • From Ubuntu version 23.10 and subsequent, when using CAD > tools then selecting 'MCU commercial part number' to configure CAD > MCU selector, the CAD viewer is not functional.
  • In the case of file access issue during a compilation with some examples on partner IDEs (for instance with the “cannot open-source input file” error message), consider to move either the full package manually, or just the example. For the example, use the Example Selector from STM32CubeMX, closer to the root of the disk (long path issue).
  • If “CAD resources” feature is not fully functional when using “Use System Proxy parameters”, try to use the “Manual Configuration of Proxy Server” or “No proxy” instead. (Menu : [Updater Settings…]>[Connection Parameters])
  • When unzipping a package on a macOS® system, use an official macOS® application such as the default graphical archive application, or the ditto tool in the command line:
    $ditto -x -k
    If a Linux®-like application is used (such as unzip), the expanded files lose the signature and are not recognized as signed.

Note: a. Arm and TrustZone are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.

2.1. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32N6 series

  • For STM32N645xx and STM32N655xx microcontrollers, the CacheAXI peripheral is erroneously included in the available peripherals list(these microcontrollers do not support CacheAXI ), activating this peripheral in the project settings might lead to compilation errors.
    • Workaround:To successfully build the project, it is necessary to disable the CacheAXI peripheral in the project configuration.

2.2. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32G0 series

  • Regarding the cohabitation between USB and USB Power Delivery, the VID and PID of USB Power Delivery and USB are not automatically aligned. VID/PID values must be aligned manually.
  • When both the USB Power Delivery and FreeRTOS™ CMSIS_V1 middleware are enabled at the same time, the FreeRTOS™ eTaskGetState parameter must be enabled in the include parameters tab.

2.3. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32H5 series

  • When migrating projects with OEM-iROT boot path from STM32CubeMX V6.8.x to STM32CubeMX V6.10.x or later releases, the user might need to reconfigure ROT_Provisioning.
  • If the Secure Manager configuration is updated through the TPC used in standalone mode, the user must relaunch the provisioning.bat.
  • The makefile generation no longer works as soon as the project structure is changed from "Secure Project only" or "Non Secure Project only" to "Secure Project and Non Secure Project enabled (dual project)".
  • In Microsoft® Azure® NetX Duo, some configuration flags, which are not used in the STM32Cube firmware package examples, might be nonfunctional when combined.
  • For the STM32H57x microcontrollers in the STM32H5 series, and following the creation of a project with a secure manager boot path configuration, it is essential to implement two specific alterations to the IAR project to facilitate the processes of flashing and debugging.
    • Adjust the flash loader settings to "FlashSTM32H5_SEC.board".
      Flash loader.png
    • Switch the STLink Reset option to "Software".
      STLink reset.png

2.4. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32H7 series

  • During the migration from an older STM32H7 project (created with STM32CubeMX version coming earlier than V6.13.0) to the STM32CubeMX V6.13.0, The following files aren't automatically updated:

system_stm32h7xx.c and startup_stm32h7nnxx.s which are needed for the correct initialization of the system power supply.

  • This limitation might appear: An early RAM access prior to the configuration of the system power supply which is not allowed.
    • For new projects created by STM32CubeMX v6.13.0 and later, those files are correctly updated.
    • The system power supply configuration is also kept in SystemClock_Config() to avoid runtime issue with existing projects.
    • The workaround :To successfully migrate the project:The user should Copy the new files from the firmware side and ensure that they are correctly included in the project. In addition he should verify the compiler compatibility: he should use the appropriate startup_stm32h7nnxx.s file for the chosen compiler.
  • For the STM32H7Sx microcontrollers in the STM32H7 series, when using the NUCLEO-H7S3L8 board, the boot path is not supported. It is only supported for STM32H7S78-DK board or custom boards with the same flash and same pin mapping.
  • For the STM32H7Rx microcontrollers in the STM32H7 series, the boot path is not supported and Debug authentication is disabled.
  • For the STM32H7Rx/7Sx microcontrollers in the STM32H7 series and when compiling ExtMemLoader project with CMake, the output files have the extension *.c.obj instead of *.o

Thus, the linker file of the ExtMemLoader project for GCC (stm32h7rsxx_extmemloader_stm32cube.ld) need to be updated as following:

KEEP(*stm32_device_info.o ( .rodata* ))

should be replaced by

KEEP(*stm32_device_info.* ( .rodata* ))
  • MDMA and HSEM are not supported in LL. Only HAL is supported.
  • When activating any mode under SPDIFRX:
    • The alternate function configuration code is not generated in the HAL_SPDIFRX_MspInit function in the stm32h7xx_hal_msp.c file.
    • Add the workaround code in the user section after “GPIO_InitStruct.Speed =GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;” as described in Table 2 depending on the channel and selected pin.
Table 2. Workaround for alternate function configuration code
Channel Selected pin Workaround code
IN0 PD7 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF9_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
PG11 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF8_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
IN1 PD8 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF9_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
PG12 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF8_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
IN2 PC4 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF9_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
PG8 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF8_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
IN3 PC5 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF9_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */
PG9 /* USER CODE BEGIN alternate function configuration */
GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF8_SPDIF;
/* USER CODE END alternate function configuration */

2.5. When selecting dual-core microcontrollers in the STM32H7 series

  • Only Boot0 is supported: both cores boot at once.
  • Import from and to dual-core STM32H7 is not supported.
  • For memory-to-memory DMA or BDMA or MDMA configuration, the initialization code is generated for both cores.
  • OpenAMP issue when compiling under EWARM and MDK-ARM when OpenAMP is activated under STM32CubeMX:
    • To avoid link errors in OpenAMP when compiling in EWARM IDE, add the next four lines of code in the linker files (.icf):
/* Create region for OPENAMP */
define symbol __OPENAMP_region_start__ = 0x38000400;
define symbol __OPENAMP_region_size__ = 0xFC00;
export symbol __OPENAMP_region_start__;
export symbol __OPENAMP_region_size__;
  • To avoid link errors in OpenAMP when compiling in MDK-ARM IDE, add the next four lines of code in the linker files (.sct):
; ***** Create region for OPENAMP *****
.resource_table +0 ALIGN 4 { ; resource table
; Shared Memory area used by OpenAMP
__OpenAMP_SHMEM__ 0x38000400 EMPTY 0xFC00 {}
  • OpenAMP under STM32CubeIDE needs linker file update:
    • The following lines must be added under the .ld file:
/* Specify the memory areas */
m_ipc_shm (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x38000400, LENGTH = 63K
/* Symbols needed for OpenAMP to enable rpmsg */

2.6. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32L5 series

  • Arm® TrustZone® support:
    • Fixed default SAU is configured in the application partition_stm32l552xx.h and partition_stm32l562xx.h files.
    • Import does not work for TrustZone® projects (TZEN=1).
  • To facilitate the peripheral privilege configuration, from STM32CubeMX V6.2.0, the GTZC peripheral is split into two domains: secure and nonsecure. The side effect is that, in the case of project migration from a release version before V6.2.0, if GTZC is configured in both the secure and nonsecure domains with previously configured privilege peripherals on a nonsecure peripheral, this configuration is lost during the migration. The GTZC_NS privileges must be configured again.
  • Regarding the cohabitation between USB and USB Power Delivery, the VID and PID of USB Power Delivery and USB are not automatically aligned. VID/PID values must be aligned manually.

2.7. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32U5 series

  • Regarding the cohabitation between Azure® RTOS USBX and USB Power Delivery, the VID and PID of USB Power Delivery and USBX are not automatically aligned. VID/PID values must be aligned manually.
  • To avoid linking issues with Keil® MDK-ARM when a USBX Core System is enabled, "Device CoreStack FS" or "Host CoreStack FS" must be enabled according to the USB_OTG_FS selected mode.
  • To avoid compilation issues when one DMA channel request is activated for one TIMx peripheral, replace htim_xx by htim_base. For example, replace:
    __HAL_LINKDMA(htim_oc, hdma[TIM_DMA_ID_CC1], handle_GPDMA1_Channel11);
    __HAL_LINKDMA(htim_base, hdma[TIM_DMA_ID_CC1], handle_GPDMA1_Channel11);
  • In Microsoft® Azure® NetX Duo, some configuration flags, which are not used in the STM32Cube firmware package examples, might be nonfunctional when combined.

2.8. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32WB series

  • The value of the CFG_BLE_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LENGTH parameter in the file app_conf.h is wrongly formatted: uint16_t is used instead of uint32_t. This impacts the Data Throughput of the application since the max value is 0xFFFF, while it should be 0xFFFF FFFF. The defined value must be changed manually in the generated code.

2.8.1. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32WB0 product lines

  • The following expansions packages for STM32Cube are not supported by microcontrollers from the STM32WB0 product lines:
    • X-CUBE-NFC10
    • X-CUBE-NFC9
    • X-CUBE-NFC4
    • X-CUBE-NFC10
    • X-CUBE-NFC6
    • X-CUBE-WB05N
    • X-CUBE-IPS
    • X-CUBE-GNSS1
    • X-CUBE-SUBG2
    • X-CUBE-TOF1
    • X-CUBE-ALS
    • X-CUBE-BLE1
    • X-CUBE-BLE2
    • X-CUBE-MEMS1

2.9. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32WBA series

  • When the selected middleware is STM32WPAN for Bluetooth® Low Energy with the parameter CFG_BLE_NUM_LINK set above 8, use the Bluetooth® Low Energy link layer library LinkLayer_BLE_Basic_20_links_lib.a with the header file from the path \link_layer\ll_cmd_lib\config\ble_basic_20_links.

2.10. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32WL series

  • If LoRaWAN®, SubGHZ_Phy or SigfoxTM middleware is used with the option Generate peripheral initialization as a pair of '.c/.h' files per peripheral disabled, it is advised to untick the visibility of the SUBGHZ and IPCC peripherals in [Project Manager]>[Advanced Settings] Generated Function Calls panel to avoid an issue when compiling.
  • Import from and to dual-core is not working for the STM32WL series.
  • For dual-core products, IPCC LL + RF middleware (LoRaWAN®, SigfoxTM, and SubGHZ_Phy) are not supported.
  • If a Sigfox project is generated with MDK-ARM, the following option must be set in the project Options C/C++(AC6) panel: Misc Controls: -fshort-enums
  • The SUBGHZ peripheral is forced on the Cortex®-M0+.
  • In the case of a project migration from a release version before V6.2.0, to facilitate the GTZC configuration, some previously default configuration ("enabled"/"disabled") has been moved to "default" configuration. This new state provides the default configuration of the MCU without any code generation. Users specifically needing this code generation must modify this state.
  • When compiling under IAR Embedded Workbench®, in case of dual-core products, the user must activate the share mode in both CM4 and CM0PLUS ST-LINK project options.
  • The "Time base: System tick timer" value selected in the NVIC configuration panel is not used for the code generation. This value must be updated by the end user in the generated code.
  • KMS and STM32Cube Azure® RTOS ThreadX cannot be enabled in the same core.

2.10.1. When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32WL33 product lines

  • The following expansions packages for STM32Cube are not supported by microcontrollers from the STM32WL33 product lines:
    • X-CUBE-NFC10
    • X-CUBE-NFC9
    • X-CUBE-NFC4
    • X-CUBE-NFC10
    • X-CUBE-NFC6
    • X-CUBE-WB05N
    • X-CUBE-IPS
    • X-CUBE-GNSS1
    • X-CUBE-SUBG2
    • X-CUBE-TOF1
    • X-CUBE-ALS
    • X-CUBE-BLE1
    • X-CUBE-BLE2
    • X-CUBE-MEMS1

2.11. When selecting microprocessors in the STM32MP1 series

  • DMA nodes are generated in the device tree, but the DMA properties in the IP clients nodes are not generated.
  • Import from and to MPU projects does not work properly.
  • Dual-core project structure compatibility break : the action to import (migrate or continue) projects created with versions earlier than STM32CubeMX V5.3.0 is supported but requires the manual copy of USER SECTIONS for the device tree and Cortex®-M4 firmware from the former folder structure (DeviceTree/Inc/Src) to the new one (CA7/DeviceTree - CM4/Src - CM4/Inc).
  • Additional software is not supported.
  • RCC generation in Production mode is not supported on the coprocessor side. Only the Engineering mode is supported.
    By default, the STM32CubeMX-generated code is compliant with the Engineering mode. Therefore, the call of the following clock functions must be removed in the Production mode since these clocks are then managed by Linux®: SystemClock_Config(), PeriphCommonClock_Config(), and HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig():
    • The system parts (SystemClock_Config() and PeriphCommonClock_Config()) can be removed in STM32CubeMX by selecting [Not Generate function call] for RCC in the Project Manager, then Advanced Settings tabs.
    • HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig() must be removed manually from file stm32mp1xx_hal_msp.c (STM32CubeMX-generated code).
    • To make the user code compatible with both the engineering and production modes, the above RCC functions can be put under dynamic condition
  • On macOS®, installation issues may result from the fact that the install is not signed. Use the following procedure:
    • Download STM32CubeMX on a Window® OS personal computer.
    • Copy the downloaded install into the macOS® personal computer.
    • Launch the install.
  • OpenAMP warning when compiling under MDK-ARM if OpenAMP is not activated under STM32CubeMX:
    • Remove the next four lines of code from the linker files (.sct) to avoid warning “No section matches pattern *(.resource_table)”:
; ***** Comment these 4 lines if OPENAMP is not used *****
.resource_table +0 ALIGN 4 { ; resource table
; Shared Memory area used by OpenAMP
__OpenAMP_SHMEM__ 0x10040000 EMPTY 0x8000 {}
  • Device tree generation: the "pwr" user section name is changed to "pwr_regulators".
    • Existing code in the "pwr" user section must be backed up and reported manually into the new "pwr_regulators" user section after code generation.
  • About the HRTIM peripheral: for the "Set Source Selection" & "Reset Source Selection" parameters, the "No source is selected" must be manually set for any unused source before decreasing the number of sources.
  • When using the STM32CubeMP13 bare-metal firmware, the secure mode of the peripheral RTC is not available for the STM32MP13xx microprocessors. It is only available when the STM32CubeMP1 MCU package is used.
  • When using the STM32CubeMP13 bare-metal firmware and activating Azure® RTOS ThreadX, the STM32CubeIDE linker file must contain the following section to avoid compilation issues:
: _stack_bottom = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
: /* Allocate room for stack. This must be large enough for the
: IRQ, FIQ, and SYS stack if nested interrupts are
: enabled.*/
: . = ALIGN(8) ;
: . += 32768 ;
: _sp = . - 16 ;
: _stack_top = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
: } >RAM
: _end = .;

2.12. When using the Memory Management Tool

  • When activating the Ethernet and using the memory management tool in a project based on STM32H5 or STM32H7Sx/STM32H7Rx with STM32CubeMX version 6.13.0 or earlier, and then opening the project with STM32CubeMX 6.13.0, The IOC file cannot be opened.
    • Workaround : There are two solutions:

1-Opening the IOC file with a text editor and manually deleting the memory management tool regions.

MMTAppReg1.MEMORYMAP.CoreName=ARM Cortex-M33
MMTAppReg2.MEMORYMAP.AppRegionName=RAM Reserved Alias Region
MMTAppReg2.MEMORYMAP.CoreName=ARM Cortex-M33
MMTAppReg2.MEMORYMAP.Name=RAM Reserved Alias Region
MMTAppReg3.MEMORYMAP.CoreName=ARM Cortex-M33

2-Using an STM32CubeMX version earlier than 6.13.0 if the user want to continue the project with the configuration of MMT.

  • When configuring the memory management tool in the regeneration of a project based on the STM32H7 dual core without activating the tool in the first generation,the update of the linker file is not triggered to reflect the new memory configuration. which May lead to unexpected behavior.
    • Workaround: To mitigate this issue in the meantime, you might delete Manually the linker files (or move them to a backup location if you want to keep their initial contents) before regenerating the project with MMT.
  • When using the Memory Management Tool in a project based on CMake or Makefile build generators,The following configurations are not supported:
    • The TrustZone activation.
    • The Use of the STM32H7Rx/7Sx microcontrollers from the STM32H7 serie.
  • For the projects based on STM32WB series and using the MMT,the generated linker file in not taking into account the activation of the option "Boot Info".
  • When settingthe mode of the Extmem Manager in the boot runtime context , the Memory Management Tool generates only an 'Execute' memory region and omits the 'LOAD_REGION' one. The 'LOAD_REGION' is displayed as reserved in the UI. This limitation applies to all toolchains and IDEs.
  • The linker script is not automatically updated to incorporate the 'isrvercor' configuration.

2.13. When using the Example Selector

  • When starting a project from Example Selector:

The scenario described below can lead to some build issues after project generation:

  1. Start a new project from Example Selector with STM32CubeMX-6.13.0.
  2. Choose a wireless application (Thread, Zigbee, BLE, ...) for STM32WB0x or STM32WBA5x lines.
  3. Compile the exported project with an IDE (EWARM, MDK-ARM or STM32CubeIDE).

The compilation process results in some errors.

Workaround: the workaround depends on the toolchain selected by the user:

  1. If STM32CubeIDE is selected: It is necessary to use the “Generate code” command from STM32CubeMX or STM32CubeIDE.
  2. If EWARM is selected: it is necessary to remove the .ewp file from the example folder, then load the ioc in STM32CubeMX and press the “Generate code” button.
  3. If MDK-ARM is selected: it is necessary to follow the steps below:
    1. Remove .uvprojx file,
    2. Use “Generate code” command from STM32CubeMX (make sure that MDK-ARM is selected as toolchain).
    3. Modify MDK-ARM project settings as follows:
      1. Right click on your project name then “Option for Target[…]”,
      2. From the “C/C++(AC6)” panel, uncheck the “Short enums/wchar” compiler option,
      3. add “-fshort-enums” to “Misc Controls” as additional compiler option (cf. screenshot below).

Here is the “Options for Target” configuration.

image002 (1).png

  • When starting an example from the Example Selector and regenerating the code, some files can be duplicated. It can lead to potential compilation issues. In this case, remove the duplicated files.

2.14. When using additional software packs

  • If a software component refers to a specific peripheral, this peripheral must be initialized with HAL APIs (not with LL APIs).
  • When using dual-core devices, if a software component refers to a specific peripheral, this peripheral must be assigned only to the same core as the software component.
  • When a pack is disabled, the generated files are not removed from the project. Workaround: remove these files manually.
  • Functionalities that are not supported:
    • maxInstances, isDefaultVariant, generator attributes of the component element
    • Dtz, Ddsp, Dsecure attributes of the condition element
    • repository element
    • tag and url attributes of a release element
    • dominate element
    • public attributes for the file element
    • preIncludeLocal and preIncludeGlobal file category attributes
    • Pre_Include_Local_h element
    • Pre_Include_Global_h element
    • Pack components where attribute values come with a "." character
  • Compilation issues when using both X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 v1.1.0 and OpenAMP middleware in the same project with minimum version MDK-ARM v5.32:
    X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 v1.1.0 requires Arm C compiler version 6 while OpenAMP is not compatible with this version (only Arm C compiler version 5 is supported). The workaround consists in using X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 v1.0.0 instead. This one is compatible with Arm C compiler version 5.
  • In the case of an error message when downloading SEGGER I-CUBE-embOS:
    • Download SEGGER.I-CUBE-embOS manually from the SEGGER download site at
    • Open the STM32CubeMX Embedded Software Packages Manager.
    • Use the option Load from Local and select the pack.

2.15. STM32CubeIDE toolchain

  • It is functional only with a Java 8 64-bit virtual machine with versions earlier than STM32CubeMX V5.6.1.

2.16. DDR test suite

  • STM32CubeProgrammer (STM32CubeProg) is not supported from v2.10.0 onwards.

2.17. User manual

  • Some chapters in the user manual STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation (UM1718) are not fully up to date.

2.18. Symbolic links on Ubuntu

  • When using Ubuntu 20.04 if you use a symbolic link to refer to the "Firmware Relative Path" in the STM32CubMX Project Manager tab, it will be translated to the absolute path before saving down.

3. Recommendations

3.1. Command line authentication required

Since introduction of authentication at the command level, we recommend our costumers to review their scripts. They should make sure they are authenticating before trying to download a package or before trying to generate code on the command line. Failure to do so will result on errors displayed on the command line.

3.2. DDR binaries for the STM32MP1 boards

The DDR binaries needed to connect to the STM32MP1 boards are available from the GitHub website at with the keyword STMicroelectronics/STM32DDRFWUTIL.

3.3. List pinout-compatible microcontrollers

The loading of microcontrollers can take a long time if all series and all packages are selected. If the loading takes too long, stop it, refine the microcontroller filters on a dedicated series or package, and restart the loading.

3.4. How to improve the wake-up from Stop sequences without relying on the global SystemClock_Config()

The SystemClock_Config provided in the HAL examples is intended to be used to configure the system clock at startup. It is not recommended to use it to restore the clock settings after a Stop mode.
To keep the wake-up as quick as possible, it is highly recommended to restore only what has been changed by the hardware to enter the Low-power mode. This is typically the case for the oscillators and system clock sources. The RCC configuration registers are unchanged, and there is no need to restore them.
Typically, after a Stop mode, it is recommended to call a separate SystemClockConfig_STOP after the wake-up that enables the LSE and PLL, and selects PLL as system clock source (LSE and PLL are disabled in Stop mode). Find below an example of SystemClockConfig_STOP (provided in the HID_Standalone_LPM application):

static void SystemClockConfig_STOP(void)
#if defined (USB_USE_LSE_MSI_CLOCK)
:/* Configures system clock after wake-up from STOP: enable LSE,
:PLL and select PLL as system clock source (LSE and PLL are disabled in Stop mode) */
:/* Wait till HSE is ready */
:/* Enable the main PLL. */
:/* Wait till PLL is ready */
:/* Select PLL as SYSCLK */
:/* Wait till system clock switch to PLL */
#elif defined (USB_USE_HSE_CLOCK)
:/* Configures system clock after wake-up from STOP: enable HSE,
:PLL and select PLL as system clock source (HSE and PLL are disabled in Stop mode) */
:/* Wait till HSE is ready */
:/* Enable the main PLL. */
:/* Wait till PLL is ready */
:/* Select PLL as SYSCLK */
:/* Wait till system clock switch to PLL */
#endif /* USB_USE_LSE_MSI_CLOCK */