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Revision as of 13:16, 5 February 2019 by Registered User (Undo revision 51219 by Registered User (-))

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Welcome to the STM32 MPU user guide wiki platform (Version 3.5)

This wiki user guide aims at providing information about STM32 MPU microprocessor devices[1], from the software point of view.

Software getting started guides are designed to explain how to proceed with the last STM32MPU release (see STM32MP15 ecosystem release note for more details ).

This user guide does not replace technical trainings and datasheets [2] , but complements them by providing "how-to" information relevant for an everyday use.

Before starting reading/ browsing this wiki, it is strongly recommended to go through Reading tips.

To browse this user guide, you can:

  • use the Navigation panel on the left side,
  • use the search engine on the top right side,
  • or let yourself be led by the links given in the articles, starting with the links below.
First highly recommended steps
Legal notice PC prerequisites Which Package better suits your needs?
Legal notice PC prerequisites Which Package better suits your needs?
Getting started with STM32 MPU platforms
Getting started with STM32 MPU devices Getting started with boards Getting started with software distributions
Getting started with devices Getting started with boards Getting started with software distributions
Deep dive into STM32 MPU platforms
Embedded software architecture Software development tools Trace and debug tools
Embedded software architecture
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Trace and debug tools
File:Under construction ST.png This site is under construction.
Consequences are that some links given in articles may miss, some wordings could be unperfect and more rarely some information could be not complete.
STMicroelectronics team continues to improve this wiki: if you have any question, please contact your ST support person.


  1. Getting started with STM32 MPU devices
  2. Currently available within STM32MPU Embedded Software official release and, later, on