Introduction to Azure RTOS with STM32

Revision as of 18:36, 9 February 2021 by Registered User

1. What is STM32CoreMW ?

ST offers a complete, proven, and reliable MCU software solution for developers. It covers low layers, middleware, and applicative sides, as well as configuration, programming, monitoring and debugging tools.

The basic Middleware stacks that are commonly needed for applications are: RTOS, File System, USB, TCP/IP, Bootloader, JPEG and TLS. ST offers a comprehensive set of stacks and applications covering these topics. This set of Middleware stacks is called STM32 Core Middleware (STM32CoreMW for short).

STM32CoreMW solution is constructed around Microsoft Azure RTOS Middleware and other in-house (ST USB, OpenBL) and open source stacks (FreeRTOS, FatFS, LwIP, embTLS, LibJPEG). All integrated and customized for STM32 MCU devices and enriched with corresponding application examples based on STM32 evaluation boards.

Core Middleware Components

2. STM32 Azure RTOS

Azure RTOS is a professional grade, highly reliable and market proven middleware suite

  • Integrated and full featured RTOS. Learn more here
  • Industrial grade networking stack: optimized for performance coming with many IoT protocols. Learn more here
  • Advanced FS/FTL: fully featured to support NAND/NOR Flash memories. Learn more here and here
  • USB Host and Device stacks coming with many classes. Learn more here
  • Safety pre-certifications (from MSFT): IEC 61508 SIL4, IEC 62304 Class C and ISO 26262 ASIL D
  • Security pre-certifications (from MSFT): EAL4+ for TLS/DTLS, FIPS 140-2 for SW crypto lib
  • STM32 granted production license: