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Before reading this article, it is highly recommended to read STM32CubeMonitor:Introduction and main principles of STM32CubeMonitor, to better understand the STM32CubeMonitor concepts.

JLink is a probe distributed by Segger. STM32CubeMonitor is compatible with JLink probe. We will describe here how to use JLink probe with STM32CubeMonitor.

JLink connection

J-Link probe have to be connected to STM32 board using the SWD connector. Jumper wires could be used. Hereafter, the mapping between JlinkProbe and CN4 (SWD) connector on Nucleo Board. Please note that in this configuration Nucleo board is still powered by ST-Link using USB cable.

For further informations, please visit:

Below is a photography of a JLink probe connected by wire to a Nucleo board.

Two nodes are dedicated to JLink:

acqjlinkout.png Allow to define and/or select a probe configuration (probe name), open and close the connection and send commands to the selected probe.

acqjlinkin.png Allow to define and/or select a probe configuration (probe name), and receive data from the selected probe.

basic jlink flow.png
basic jlink flow nodeconfig.png
basic jlink flow probe config.png

User must choose the type of MCU monitored by selecting it in the picklist.


File not found" appears in the MCU pick list when the SupportedHW.txt file is not present in the directory xxxxxxxxx. The file "SupporedHW.txt" is part of the installer