How to modify frequency of acquisition

Revision as of 15:23, 13 February 2020 by Registered User

This article describes how to use the sampling frequency parameter. This parameter is usable for direct mode and snapshot mode.

  • In direct mode the sampling frequency is the frequency at which the variables are read out from the memory target.
  • In the snapshot mode, the sampling frequency is the frequency at which the target buffer is emptied, the frequency at which the variables are read is defined in the embedded application by the user. See snapshot article for more details.

The sampling frequency is configured in the variable node. In “Acquisition parameters” part, the “Sampling frequency” field allows the sampling frequency to be set as needed.

sampling frequency.png

The pick list proposes:

  • sequential loop: to perform the acquisition as fast as possible (best effort).
  • 0.1Hz, 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1000Hz: predefined frequency.
  • Custom (in Hz): allows the frequency user needs to be specified (must be higher than 0).

The custom sampling frequency value is not limited, nevertheless the max frequency which can be reached is the one we have with the sequential loop setting.