STM32CubeIDE errata 1.7.0

Revision as of 11:30, 28 April 2021 by Registered User (First draft of errata sheet template)
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1. Fixed issues

ID Summary
101797 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


102318 The Manage Embedded Software dialog now works correctly on macOS®.

2. Known issues

The known issues are split into general, OS-specific issues and target-specific issues.

2.1. General issues

ID Summary
56223 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


59435 Having a space or non-ascii character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully


62974 Conditional breakpoints do not work with OpenOCD.

2.2. OS-spedific issues

2.2.1. Windows

ID Summary
56223 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


59435 Having a space or non-ascii character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully


62974 Conditional breakpoints do not work with OpenOCD.

2.2.2. Linux

ID Summary
56223 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


59435 Having a space or non-ascii character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully


62974 Conditional breakpoints do not work with OpenOCD.

2.2.3. MacOS

ID Summary
56223 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


59435 Having a space or non-ascii character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully


62974 Conditional breakpoints do not work with OpenOCD.

2.3. Target-spedific issues

2.3.1. STM32MP1

ID Summary
56223 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


59435 Having a space or non-ascii character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully


62974 Conditional breakpoints do not work with OpenOCD.

2.3.2. STM32H7

ID Summary
56223 The project importer for SW4STM32 cannot import all settings in projects from very old versions (older than


59435 Having a space or non-ascii character in the project/workspace path or installation path is not fully


62974 Conditional breakpoints do not work with OpenOCD.
No categories assignedEdit