Introduction to STM32CubeMX

Revision as of 14:31, 7 January 2020 by Registered User
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1. STM32CubeMX overview

STM32CubeMX is a graphical tool that allows a very easy configuration of STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors, as well as the generation of the corresponding initialization C code for the Arm® Cortex®-M core or a partial Linux® Device Tree for Arm® Cortex®-A core), through a step-by-step process.

2. Getting started with STM32 and STM32CubeMX

STM32 and STM8 software development tools

3. Video related to STM32CubeMX

Getting started with STM32CubeMX
How to build a “Blink LED” project from STM32CubeMX for ST/Atollic TrueSTUDIO® for STM32™

4. STMicroelectronics Resources

UM1718 STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation

5. Examples

The area where FAE's, collab... can put examples (linked to Github)