Getting started with STM32 system peripherals

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Learn how to use STM32 features with simple examples

1. System peripherals

GPIO ico.png

Getting started with GPIO

General purpose input output

EXT ico.png

Getting started with EXTI

External interrupt/event controller

PWR ico.png

Getting started with POWER


LPBAM ico.png

Getting started with LPBAM

Low-power background autonomous mode

DMA ico.png

Getting started with DMA

Direct memory access

2. Basic communication peripherals

UART ico.png

Getting started with UART

Universal Asynchronous receiver-transmitter

SPI ico.png

Getting started with SPI

Serial Peripheral Interface

I2C ico.png

Getting started with I2C

Inter-integrated circuit

I3C ico.png

Getting started with I3C


3. Timing peripherals

RTC ico.png

Getting started with RTC

Real time clock

WDOG ico.png

Getting started with WDG

Watch dog

HRTIM ico.png

Getting started with HRTIM

High-resolution timer

4. Analog peripherals

DAC ico.png

Getting started with DAC

Digital to analogue converter

ADC ico.png

Getting started with ADC

Analogue to digital converter

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