STM32CubeMP25 licenses - v1.0.0

Revision as of 10:30, 7 June 2024 by Registered User
Applicable for STM32MP25x lines

Component Copyright License
CMSIS Core ARM Limited Apache License 2.0
CMSIS Device ARM Limited, STMicroelectronics Apache License 2.0
Drivers HAL/LL STMicroelectronics BSD-3-Clause
Drivers BSP Boards STMicroelectronics BSD-3-Clause
BSP Components STMicroelectronics BSD-3-Clause
FreeRTOS kernel MIT Copyright (C) 2017, Inc. or its affiliates
STM32 USBPD Core Library STMicroelectronics SLA0044
STM32 USBPD Device Library STMicroelectronics SLA0044
OpenAMP Xilinx Inc. and Contributors BSD-3-Clause
STM32 Projects STMicroelectronics SLA0044 (BSD-3-Clause for basic Examples)
STM32 Utilities STMicroelectronics BSD-3-Clause