STM32MP1 Starter Package - images

Revision as of 10:28, 20 February 2019 by Registered User (→‎STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.0.0 release)

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This article provides the following information:

  • How to download and install the latest image (binaries) for STM32MP1 boards
  • Where to find the associated release note
  • Where to find the previous releases (archives)
Warning white.png Warning
To use the image efficiently, please read the Starter Package article relative to your board: Category:Starter Package

1. STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.0.0 release[edit source]

  • The STM32MP1 image (binaries) is delivered through one tarball file named
    • en.FLASH-stm32mp1-openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-02-20.tar.xz for STM32MP157C-EV1 and STM32MP157X-DKX boards

  • Download and install the STM32MP1 image (binaries):

By downloading this software package, you agree to be bound to the terms of the software license agreement (SLA). The detailed content licenses can be found here.

STM32MP1 Starter Package image - STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v1.0.0 release

You need to be logged on to before accessing the following link:

$ cd <working directory path>/Starter-Package
  • Download the tarball file in this directory
  • Uncompress the tarball file to get the binaries for the different partitions of the image, and the Flash layout files:
$ tar xvf en.FLASH-stm32mp1-openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-02-20.tar.xz
Release note

Details of the content of this software package are available in the associated STM32MP15 ecosystem release note.

  • The binaries and the Flash layout files are in the <Starter Package installation directory>/openstlinux-4.19-thud-mp1-19-02-20/images/stm32mp1/ directory:
├── flashlayout_st-image-weston                                 Flash layout files (description of the partitions) for the supported Flash devices and boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157a-dk1-basic.tsv            Flash layout file for microSD card and basic boot chain → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157a-dk1-optee.tsv            Flash layout file for microSD card and optee boot chain  → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157a-dk1-trusted.tsv          Flash layout file for microSD card and trusted boot chain → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
│   ├── FlashLayout_emmc_stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.tsv              Flash layout file for eMMC and optee boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nand-4-256_stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.tsv        Flash layout file for NAND Flash and optee boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nor-emmc_stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.tsv          Flash layout file for NOR Flash (and eMMC) and optee boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nor-nand-4-256_stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.tsv    Flash layout file for NOR Flash (and NAND Flasdh) and optee boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nor-nand-4-256_stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.tsv  Flash layout file for NOR Flash (and NAND Flasdh) and trusted boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nor-sdcard_stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.tsv        Flash layout file for NOR Flash (and microSD card) and optee boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nor-sdcard_stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.tsv      Flash layout file for NOR Flash (and microSD card) and trusted boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-ev1-basic.tsv            Flash layout file for microSD card and basic boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.tsv            Flash layout file for microSD card and optee 
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.tsv          Flash layout file for microSD card and trusted boot chain (recommended setup) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_emmc_stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.tsv            Flash layout file for eMMC and trusted boot 
│   ├── FlashLayout_nand-4-256_stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.tsv      Flash layout file for NAND Flash and trusted boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_nor-emmc_stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.tsv        Flash layout file for NOR Flash (and eMMC) and trusted boot chain → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-dk2-basic.tsv            Flash layout file for microSD card and basic boot chain → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
│   ├── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-dk2-optee.tsv            Flash layout file for microSD card and optee boot chain  → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
│   └── FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-dk2-trusted.tsv          Flash layout file for microSD card and trusted boot chain (recommended setup) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── scripts
│   └──
├── st-image-bootfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.ext4            Binary for bootfs partition
├── st-image-bootfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.manifest
├── st-image-userfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.ext4            Binary for userfs partition
├── st-image-userfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.manifest
├── st-image-vendorfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.ext4          Binary for vendorfs partition
├── st-image-vendorfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.manifest
├── st-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.ext4            Binary for rootfs partition
├── st-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.license
├── st-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1-license_content.html
├── st-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1.manifest
├── st-image-weston-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp1_nand_4_256_multivolume.ubi
├── tee-header_v2-stm32mp157a-dk1-optee.stm32
├── tee-header_v2-stm32mp157c-dk2-optee.stm32
├── tee-header_v2-stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.stm32
├── tee-pageable_v2-stm32mp157a-dk1-optee.stm32
├── tee-pageable_v2-stm32mp157c-dk2-optee.stm32
├── tee-pageable_v2-stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.stm32
├── tee-pager_v2-stm32mp157a-dk1-optee.stm32
├── tee-pager_v2-stm32mp157c-dk2-optee.stm32
├── tee-pager_v2-stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.stm32
├── tf-a-stm32mp157c-dk2-trusted.stm32                          TF-A binary for FSBL partition (trusted boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── tf-a-stm32mp157c-dk2-optee.stm32                            TF-A binary for FSBL partition (optee boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── tf-a-stm32mp157c-dk1-trusted.stm32                          TF-A binary for FSBL partition (trusted boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── tf-a-stm32mp157c-dk1-optee.stm32                            TF-A binary for FSBL partition (optee boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── tf-a-stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.stm32                          TF-A binary for FSBL partition (trusted boot chain) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
├── tf-a-stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.stm32                            TF-A binary for FSBL partition (optee boot chain) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
├── u-boot-spl.stm32-stm32mp157c-dk1-basic                      U-Boot binary for FSBL partition (basic boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-spl.stm32-stm32mp157c-dk2-basic                      U-Boot binary for FSBL partition (basic boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-spl.stm32-stm32mp157c-ev1-basic                      U-Boot binary for FSBL partition (basic boot chain) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk2-basic.img                            U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (basic boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk2-trusted.stm32                        U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (trusted boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk2-optee.stm32                          U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (optee boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk1-basic.img                            U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (basic boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk1-trusted.stm32                        U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (trusted boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-dk1-optee.stm32                          U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (optee boot chain) → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-ev1-basic.img                            U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (basic boot chain) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
├── u-boot-stm32mp157c-ev1-trusted.stm32                        U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (trusted boot chain) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
└── u-boot-stm32mp157c-ev1-optee.stm32                          U-Boot binary for SSBL partition (optee boot chain) → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards