Last edited 4 years ago

Install STM32Cube MP1 package

1. Overview[edit source]

This stage explains how to install the STM32Cube MP1 Package.

2. Install STM32Cube MP1 package[edit source]

The software package is provided AS IS, and by downloading it, you agree to be bound to the terms of the software license agreement (SLA). The detailed content licenses can be found here.

For ecosystem release v2.1.0 More info.png[edit source]
  • Download to the following directory:
  • Uncompress the archive file to get the STM32CubeMP1 Package
For ecosystem release v2.0.0 More info.png[edit source]

3. STM32Cube MP1 package structure[edit source]

For ecosystem release v2.1.0 More info.png[edit source]

The STM32Cube MP1 Package is located in your $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v2.1.0/Developer-Package directory and is named STM32Cube_FW_MP1_V1.3.0:

├── Drivers
│   ├── BSP                          BSP drivers for the supported STM32MP1 boards
│   │   └── [...]
│   ├── CMSIS
│   │   └── [...]
│   └── STM32MP1xx_HAL_Driver        HAL drivers for the supported STM32MP1 devices
│       └── [...]
├── _htmresc
│   └── [...]
├── Middlewares
│   └── [...]
├── package.xml
├── Projects
│   ├── STM32CubeProjectsList.html   List of examples and applications for STM32CubeMP1 Package
│   ├── STM32MP157C-DK2              Set of examples and applications → STM32MP15 Discovery kits
│   │   └── [...]
│   └── STM32MP157C-EV1              Set of examples and applications → STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
│       └── [...]
├── Release_Notes.html               Release note for STM32CubeMP1 Package
└── Utilities
    └── [...]
For ecosystem release v2.0.0 More info.png[edit source]