STM32 Sniffer for BLE User guide

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This article provide help about how to use the STM32 Sniffer for Bluetooth® LE with Wireshark. It is supposed that you've already installed the sniffer, if it is not the case, you can follow this guide.

1. Starting the capture

Plug your sniffer board and open Wireshark.

1.1. Optional configuration

  • In Wireshark, click on the wheel on the left of the STM32 sniffer interface to open the interface configuration menu.
  • The channel index parameter is the channel on which the sniffer will listen when started. It can be changed later on the fly. By default it is channel index 39.
  • This is the channel index, not the frequency index. e.g (primary adverstising channels indexes are 37, 38 and 39).
Optional parameter
Connectivity Sniffer Optional Parameters.png

1.2. Launching the capture

To start the capture:

Click once to select the interface
Click on start capturing


Double click on the interface
Optional parameter
Connectivity Sniffer Start Capture.png

1.3. Sniffer started

You should now see the advertising packets on the channel you configured.

By default on startup the target BD address is set to 00:00:00:00:00:00, meaning that no target is set so packets from every devices are displayed.
Optional parameter
Connectivity Sniffer Started.png

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