Last edited one month ago


1. Usage[edit source]

The FlowCompatibility/PartnerDistributions template is used to indicate via a simple message, the last ecosystem release for which a partner distribution has been updated. This template shall be added on top of all pages that deal with any partner distributions; if the partner distribution has not been updated yet for the last ecosystem release, then this template shall return the message; else, it shall return nothing; therefore, this template is always used for partner distributions pages and this template must be updated each time a partner distribution is ported on the last ecosystem release.
The template must be added on top of the article, just below the ApplicableForm template.

Usage: {{FlowCompatibility/PartnerDistributions|Distribution=<Distribution>|message=<message>}}


  • <Distribution> is
    • Buildroot
    • Openwrt
  • <message> is the optional parameter that allows to select only the last version of OpenSTLinux supporting the distribution. Per default (if <message> is not set), the full message is displayed. The possible value for <message> is:
    • short: the last version of OpenSTLinux supporting the distribution is displayed

The returned value is a message informing reader about the most recent OSTL version on which the distribution, provided by partner and given in input of the template, has been been ported and tested.

Distribution Last OSTL compatible version
Buildroot ecosystem release v5.1.0
Openwrt ecosystem release v5.1.0

2. Basic examples[edit source]

You type You get
Compatibility message for Buildroot

ecosystem release v6.0.0 More info.png

Compatibility message for Openwrt
Warning DB.png Important
OpenWrt-based Linux embedded software is validated against the ecosystem release v5.1.0 . It has not been ported yet on ecosystem release v6.0.0 More info.png .

ecosystem release v5.1.0

3. More examples[edit source]

You type You get
Unknown package

unknown partner distribution

Check the spaces before and after the infobox


Compatibility message empty if the distribution, provided by partner, has been ported on the last ecosystem release


Compatibility message if the distribution, provided by partner, has not been ported yet on the last ecosystem release of the current flow (e.g., vx.1.0), but is already ported on a legacy ecosystem release of the current flow (e.g., vx.0.0)
Warning DB.png Important
This version of PORTED_ON_LEGACY_OSTL distribution is validated against the [[Distribution-PORTED_ON_LEGACY_OSTL_distribution | {{EcosystemRelease| revision=x.0.0}}]]. It has not been ported yet on ecosystem release vx.1.0 More info.png .

4. Example of message[edit source]

Warning DB.png Important
This version of Buildroot-based Linux embedded software is validated against the ecosystem release v5.1.0 . It has not been ported yet on ecosystem release v6.0.0 More info.png .

5. Code[edit source]

unknown partner distribution

No categories assignedEdit