
Revision as of 09:45, 23 September 2022 by Registered User

1. Usage[edit source]

The EcosystemRelease/Components template returns the version of all software components delivered by an ecosystem release revision of the flow associated with this wiki (e.g. v1.y.z ,or v2.y.z, or...).

Usage: {{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=<revision>}}


  • <revision> is the mandatory revision of the ecosystem release, for which the version of all software components is requested.

The returned value is:

  • a string that contains the version of all the software components delivered by the ecosystem release revision, in a form that is usable by a tooltip.
  • "unknown revision", if <revision> is not supported.

This template relies on the EcosystemRelease/Component template.

2. Basic examples[edit source]

You type You get
Components version for vx.0.0 revision requested
{{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=x.0.0}}

Main software components: Linux kernel vx.y-stm32mp-r0 (vx.y.z) U-Boot vx.y-stm32mp-r0 TF-A vx.y-stm32mp-r0 OP-TEE vx.y.z-stm32mp-r0 STM32CubeMP1 Package vx.y.z OpenEmbedded vx.y.z (codename) Android vx.y.z

Components version for v4.0.0 revision requested
{{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=4.0.0}}

Main software components: unknown revision unknown revision unknown revision unknown revision unknown revision unknown revision

Components version for v4.1.0 revision requested
{{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=4.1.0}}

Main software components: Linux kernel v5.15-stm32mp-r2 (v5.15.67) U-Boot v2021.10-stm32mp-r2 TF-A v2.6-stm32mp-r2 OP-TEE 3.16.0-stm32mp-r2 STM32CubeMP1 Package v1.6.0 OpenEmbedded v4.0.4 (Kirkstone)

3. More examples[edit source]

You type You get
Components version for vx.2.0 revision requested
{{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=x.2.0}}

Main software components: Linux kernel vx.y-stm32mp-r0 (vx.y.z) U-Boot vx.y-stm32mp-r0 TF-A vx.y-stm32mp-r0 OP-TEE vx.y.z-stm32mp-r0 STM32CubeMP1 Package vx.y.z OpenEmbedded vx.y.z (codename) Android vx.y.z

Components version for vx.1.0 revision requested
{{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=x.1.0}}

Main software components: Linux kernel vx.y-stm32mp-r0 (vx.y.z) U-Boot vx.y-stm32mp-r0 TF-A vx.y-stm32mp-r0 OP-TEE vx.y.z-stm32mp-r0 STM32CubeMP1 Package vx.y.z OpenEmbedded vx.y.z (codename) Android vx.y.z

Unspecified revision

Main software components: unknown revision

Unknown revision
{{EcosystemRelease/Components | revision=10.20.30}}

Main software components: unknown revision

4. Code[edit source]

Main software components: unknown revision

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