- Property:Bpmn Id
- Property:Bpmn Incoming
- Property:Bpmn Label
- Property:Bpmn Outgoing
- Property:Bpmn SourceEntities
- Property:Bpmn SourceRef
- Property:Bpmn TargetEntities
- Property:Bpmn TargetRef
- Property:Bpmn hasElement
- Property:Bpmn height
- Property:Bpmn isHappyPath
- Property:Bpmn width
- Property:Bpmn xBound
- Property:Bpmn yBound
- Property:Decision
- Property:Ecosystem release
- Property:Foaf:homepage
- Property:Foaf:knows
- Property:Foaf:name
- Property:Has Android messages
- Property:Has applicability specified for
- Property:Has reviews comments
- Property:Has to be updated for
- Property:Has under construction messages
- Property:Owl:differentFrom