This article aims at giving the following information:
- How to get the latest OP-TEE, TF-A, U-Boot, Linux® kernel, gcnano-driver, external device tree and debug symbols for the STM32 microprocessor series
- Where to find the associated release note
- Where to find the previous releases (archives)
1. STM32MPU ecosystem v5.1.0 release
The software package is provided AS IS, and by downloading it, you agree to be bound to the terms of the software license agreement (SLA0048). The detailed content licenses can be found here.
- The OpenSTLinux BSP package is delivered through a tarball file named en.SOURCES-stm32mp2-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mpu-v24.06.26.tar.gz for STM32MP257F-EV1
and STM32MP257F-DK
- Download and install the STM32MPU OpenSTLinux BSP package.
STM32MPU Developer Package - STM32MPU ecosystem v5.1.0 release | |
Download |
Installation |
<working directory path>/Developer-Packagecd
tar xvf en.SOURCES-stm32mp2-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mpu-v24.06.26.tar.gz
Release note |
Details about the content of the OpenSTLinux BSP package are available in the associated STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux release note.
- In sub-directories from <Developer Package installation directory>/stm32mp2-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mpu-v24.06.26/sources/aarch64-ostl-linux, several tarball archive of the OpenSTLinux BSP components can be found.
- The external device tree directory is named external-dt-<ext-dt version>:
external-dt-v5.0-stm32mp-r1-r0 external device tree installation directory ├── external-dt-v5.0-stm32mp-r1-r0.tar.xz Tarball file of the external device tree source code └── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for external device tree management: reference for external device tree usage
- The Linux kernel installation directory is named linux-stm32mp-<kernel version>:
linux-stm32mp-6.1.82-stm32mp-r2-r0 Linux kernel installation directory ├── [*].patch ST patches to apply during the Linux kernel preparation (see next chapter) ├── fragment-[*].config ST configuration fragments to apply during the Linux kernel configuration (see next chapter) ├── optional-fragment-[*].config Optional ST configuration fragments to apply during the Linux kernel configuration depending on your needs (SMP or not, signature or not, ...) ├── linux-6.1.82.tar.xz Tarball file of the Linux kernel source code ├── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for Linux kernel management: reference for Linux kernel build └── series List of all ST patches to apply
- The gcnano driver installation directory is named gcnano-driver-stm32mp-<gcnano driver version>:
gcnano-driver-stm32mp-6.4.15-stm32mp2-r1-r0/ gcnano-driver installation directory ├── [*].patch ST patches to apply during the gcnano driver preparation (see next chapter) ├── gcnano-driver-stm32mp-6.4.15-stm32mp2-r1-r0.tar.xz Tarball file of the gcnano-driver source code ├── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for gcnano-driver management: reference for gcnano-driver build └── series List of all ST patches to apply
- The ddr phy installation directory is named stm32mp-ddr-phy-<ddr phy version>:
stm32mp-ddr-phy-A2022.11-r0 ddr-phy installation directory ├── stm32mp-ddr-phy-A2022.11-r0.tar.xz Tarball file of the stm32mp-ddr-phy binaries └── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for ddr phy management: reference for ddr-phy use
- The OP-TEE installation directory is named optee-os-stm32mp-<OP-TEE version>:
optee-os-stm32mp-3.19.0-stm32mp-r2-r0 OP-TEE installation directory ├── [*].patch ST patches to apply during the OP-TEE preparation (see next chapter) ├── fiptool-stm32mp tool for fip generation ├── fonts.tar.gz fonts for OPTEE-OS ├── Makefile.sdk Makefile for the OP-TEE compilation ├── optee-os-stm32mp-3.19.0-stm32mp-r2-r0.tar.xz Tarball file of the OP-TEE source code ├── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for OP-TEE management: reference for OP-TEE build └── series List of all ST patches to apply
- The U-Boot installation directory is named u-boot-stm32mp-<U-Boot version>:
u-boot-stm32mp-v2022.10-stm32mp-r2-r0 U-Boot installation directory ├── [*].patch ST patches to apply during the U-Boot preparation (see next chapter) ├── fiptool-stm32mp tool for fip generation ├── fragment-[*].fb_cfg ST configuration fragments to apply during the U-Boot configuration to support fastboot ├── Makefile.sdk Makefile for the U-Boot compilation ├── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for U-Boot management: reference for U-Boot build ├── series List of all ST patches to apply └── u-boot-stm32mp-v2022.10-stm32mp-r2-r0.tar.xz Tarball file of the U-Boot source code
- The TF-A installation directory is named tf-a-stm32mp-<TF-A version>:
tf-a-stm32mp-v2.8.15-stm32mp-r2-r0 TF-A installation directory ├── [*].patch ST patches to apply during the TF-A preparation (see next chapter) ├── fiptool-stm32mp tool for fip generation ├── Makefile.sdk Makefile for the TF-A compilation ├── README.HOW_TO.txt Helper file for TF-A management: reference for TF-A build ├── series List of all ST patches to apply ├── tf-a-st-ddr.tar.gz Tarball file of the DDR firmware └── tf-a-stm32mp-v2.8.15-stm32mp-r2-r0.tar.xz Tarball file of the TF-A source code
- The FIP artifacts directory is named FIP_artifacts:
FIP_artifacts ├── arm-trusted-firmware │ ├── bl2 │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-optee-emmc.bin TF-A binary for FSBL partition (eMMC boot device) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-optee-sdcard.bin TF-A binary for FSBL partition (microSD card boot device) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-uart.bin TF-A binary for uart serial boot partition (STM32CubeProgrammer) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-usb.bin TF-A binary for usb serial boot partition (STM32CubeProgrammer) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-optee-emmc.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-optee-sdcard.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-uart.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-usb.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-emmc.bin TF-A binary for FSBL partition (eMMC boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-sdcard.bin TF-A binary for FSBL partition (microSD card boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-uart.bin TF-A binary for uart serial boot partition (STM32CubeProgrammer) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-usb.bin TF-A binary for usb serial boot partition (STM32CubeProgrammer) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-optee-emmc.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-optee-nor.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-optee-sdcard.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-uart.bin │ │ └── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-usb.bin │ ├── bl31 │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-bl31-optee-emmc.dtb TF-A dtb for eMMC boot device for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-bl31-optee-sdcard.dtb TF-A dtb for sdcard boot device for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-bl31-optee-emmc.dtb TF-A dtb for eMMC boot device for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-bl31-optee-nor.dtb TF-A dtb for nor boot device for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-bl31-optee-sdcard.dtb TF-A dtb for sdcard boot device for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── tf-a-bl31-stm32mp25-optee-emmc.bin │ │ ├── tf-a-bl31-stm32mp25-optee-nor.bin │ │ └── tf-a-bl31-stm32mp25-optee-sdcard.bin │ ├── ddr │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-optee-emmc.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-optee-sdcard.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-uart.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-usb.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-emmc.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-nor.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-sdcard.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ ├── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-uart.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ │ └── ddr_pmu-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-usb.bin Trained DDR for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ ├── fwconfig │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-fw-config-optee-emmc.dtb │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-fw-config-optee-sdcard.dtb │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-fw-config-optee-emmc.dtb │ │ ├── stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-fw-config-optee-nor.dtb │ │ └── stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-fw-config-optee-sdcard.dtb │ ├── metadata.bin │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-optee-emmc.stm32 TF-A binary for FSBL partition (eMMC boot device) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-optee-sdcard.stm32 TF-A binary for FSBL partition (microSD card boot device) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-uart.stm32 TF-A binary for uart serial boot partition (nor boot device) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-dk-[*]-usb.stm32 TF-A binary for usb serial boot partition (nor boot device) for STM32MP257F-DK OSTL → STM32MP25 Discovery boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-emmc.stm32 TF-A binary for FSBL partition (eMMC boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-nor.stm32 TF-A binary for FSBL partition (nor boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-optee-sdcard.stm32 TF-A binary for FSBL partition (microSD card boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ ├── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-uart.stm32 TF-A binary for uart serial boot partition (nor boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards │ └── tf-a-stm32mp257f-ev1-[*]-usb.stm32 TF-A binary for usb serial boot partition (nor boot device) for STM32MP257F-EV1 OSTL → STM32MP25 Evaluation boards ├── optee │ ├── tee-header_v2-stm32mp25[*].bin │ ├── tee-pageable_v2-stm32mp25[*].bin │ └── tee-pager_v2-stm32mp25[*].bin └── u-boot ├── u-boot-nodtb-stm32mp25-default.bin U-Boot binary → STM32MP5 boards ├── u-boot-nodtb-stm32mp25-fastboot-emmc.bin U-Boot binary with fastboot on eMMC→ STM32MP5 boards ├── u-boot-nodtb-stm32mp25-fastboot-sdcard.bin U-Boot binary with fastboot on SD-Card→ STM32MP5 boards └── u-boot-stm32mp25[*].dtb Device tree for U-Boot → STM32MP5 boards
- The debug symbol files are located under the <Developer Package installation directory>/stm32mp2-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mpu-v24.06.26/images/stm32mp2 directory:
2. Archives 
This wiki is for the v5 ecosystem releases. For information about the previous ecosystem releases, go through the Wiki archives.